#12 ~ Harvey’s/Harrah’s 2 nights stay ($200 Value) ~ 10/12 星期日支持Baker 拍卖募款晚会
Maggie-1332 10/10 25253
At Harvey’s/Harrah’s Lake Tahoe Hotel,
you can come out and play and stay at the most welcoming Lake Tahoe
accommodations around, a spot that’s been entertaining guests in style since
1944/1955. As impressive as the lake itself, these hotel towers at
Harvey’s/Harrah’s features award-winning guestrooms and gives Lake Tahoe
visitors' easy access to all the excitement of our casino and the relaxation
awaiting at the magnificent swimming pool and luxurious spa.
Please note: Offer expires December 31,
2014. Holiday weekends are excluded.
10/12 盛装娱乐拍卖募款晚会 4:30 - 10:30pm
座位有限,必须提前报名, 请访问链接: http://bit.ly/bakerauctiondinner
提供拍卖品: 千万不要以为只有艺术品才可以拍卖, 什么东西、服务都可以。 对于商家,可以是双赢的局面。 比如已经有人捐出 window replacement service, legal service hours, 价值不菲, 但对他们的品牌、知名度有好处, 形成双赢局面。家里不太用的好东西,也是很好的选择, 比如说旧的自行车、iPad, etc.
拍卖品填表, 请访问链接: http://bit.ly/CBakerdonation,或联系: Maggie 925-389-3809 / magtsai@gmail.com, 微信号: magtsai
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