2014 Annual Play Essay Contest Dinner Gala
天涯游子-1049 09/09 12956
Sept. 7, 2014 6:00 pm -9:00 pm
4800 Perugia Way, Dublin, CA 94568. Club House and Amenities.
- 51. PLAY 妈妈体验米国式共产主义感恩节(9749)
- 52. A PLAY Giving Day (14798)
- 53. PLAY Tutoring Club Startup-11/16/2014(15852)
- 54. PLAY 感恩节回馈社区 - Livermore 社区感恩节晚餐义工活动 11/27(26001)
- 55. PLAY Napa Valley Winery Biking Tour (PLAY葡萄酒乡纳帕谷自行车旅行)11/29(774842)
- 56. PLAY Newsletter - October 2014(19428)
- 57. Catharine Baker for Assembly 大选义工活动统计表(52598)
- 58. 青少年草根乐队PLAY Music Ensemble 宣布成立 10/10/2014(15058)
- 59. PLAY Band Mission Statement(13519)
- 60. A Land for the Dead - PLAY 2014 Essay Competition, High School Gold Prize(14185)
- 61. PLAY Tutoring Service Sign Up(18649)
- 62. 2014 Annual Play Essay Contest Dinner Gala(12956)
- 63. Tim Sbranti Interview(13728)
- 64. College Planning, Scholarship, Financial Aid Seminar in Sunnyvale 9/13/2014 ( Sat.)(12163)
- 65. College Planning, Scholarship, Financial Aid Seminar in Pleasanton - 9/20/2014 (Sat.)(8099)
- 66. PLAY Membership Sign up(13784)
- 67. 2014 PLAY Annual Gala Invitation(11998)
- 68. Mayor Bill Clarkson Interview Report(11973)
- 69. PLAY Camping and Zip Lining (20902)
- 70. PLAY Event Application Process(9205)
- 71. PLAY Event Application Form(9092)
- 72. PLAY Hike Against Tassajara Cemetery Sign up Form(13196)
- 73. PLAY Youth采访16区众议员Joan Buchanan,探讨治理加州办法(11159)
- 74. PLAY Mission Statement(11912)
- 75. July 4th Danville Parade Attendance Sign Up Form(11786)
- 76. PLAY Youth Interviews Joan Buchanan Sign Up Form(12761)
- 77. PLAY Choir 现在接受报名(10952)
- 78. 墓地计划不得人心,三谷居民发出怒吼(24231)
- 79. PLAY T-shirt Order Form(15362)
- 80. 2014 PLAY 年度作文邀请赛:给州长的一封信(13176)
- 81. Pictures: Speech and Debate Seminar 6/19-6/21, 2014(12462)
- 82. Pictures: PLAY Intervied C.C.Yin on 6/15/2014(11987)
- 83. PLAY 成员Andi Mo 在San Ramon City Council Workshop上发言视频(14402)
- 84. PLAY Speech and Debate Seminar(12561)
- 85. 领导能力从小做起,PLAY Club 宣布成立-06/12/2014(15757)
- 86. The Meaning Behind PLAY’s Logo(12101)
- 87. PLAY Interviews APAPA's Trio, Reveals Insight on Success, Politics and Leadership(17544)
- 88. PLAY Club 采访C.C. Yin, Albert Wang and David Wu on June 14, 2014完整视频(12291)
- 89. 关于D16区对支持共和党或民主党的几点思考(6831)
- 90. Catharine Baker for Assembly 义工统计总表(7279)
- 91. APAPA 湾区主席Albert Wang印象谈(7277)
- 92. 16区又一诗作:扫街美食诗(10324)
- 93. 都柏林华人协会(DCA)显力量,市议会奋战九小时现成果(9730)
- 94. 5月24日为Catharine Baker扫街拜票的一天(5581)
- 95. 请加入5月24日星期六Catharine Baker 扫街活动(9181)
- 96. 华人草根再论选人,选党,选华人(7906)
- 97. 深度剖析《谈AD16候选人》的竞选策略(8690)
- 98. 一个父亲对女儿的九条忠告(8027)
- 99. 七律--选举篇(8476)
- 100. IvyMax飞达学院热情邀请您参加加州众议院16区共和党参选人Catharine Baker见面恳谈会...(6456) 上一页 下一页
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