Alex Chen-1199 10/22 77197
为配合空中行动,湾区挺Trump草根志愿者联合湾区Trump竞选总部,将于周六下午2:30PM-4:00PM在Stanford 校园著名的Main Quad前的椭圆草坪(The Oval)上集合观看飞机掠空并为Trump/Pence助威,届时将有多家中外媒体现场采访,欢迎各位Trump支持者拖家带口踊跃参与(请在此帖报名以便我们统计人数,也可直接Walk In),顺便可游Stanford并逛附近Mall。我们会现场发放一些Trump/Pence竞选标语,也有摄影师帮照相。集合地点请看图片,大草坪周围周末免费趴车。
1)硅谷华人4Trump微信群群主Jack Sun会现场发放挺川T Shirt,先到先得😄
1PM - Depart
1:25 - Arrive Pier 39
1:25-1:35 - Orbit downtown Pier 39 Area
1:45 - South end Golden Gate Bridge
Fly to north end GG Bridge - reverse course and continue south along coastline to John Daley Blvd
2:00 - Arrive John Daley Blvd - reverse course to Golden Gate Park-turn east to GG Park Panhandle exposing banner along south perimeter of the park. Reverse course and expose banner to north perimeter of GG Park and continue to ocean. Reverse course and expose banner to south perimeter of The Presidio and continue to downtown.
2:30 - Arrive Downtown - turn south and pickup 101 south to Stanford
3:30: - Arrive Stanford - spend 10 minutes orbiting campus and Palo Alto
3:10 - depart Stanford
- pickup 101 south to 85 south- Los Gatos - 101 north (South San Jose)-880 north-Hayward
4:30- back to airport