《尋找愛著我的你 》仲夏之夜
Karen-695 06/23 69784.5/38
Event Title: “The Search” Singles Cocktail Party
日期:星期五,6月27日, 晚上 8点 至 11點
Date: Friday. June 27,8-10pm
See U咖啡西餐廳(1465 Beach Park Blvd,Foster City,CA94404)舉行
在這個仲夏之夜您不僅可以在海濱旁的餐廳,享用大廚獨家調製、精心烹飪的美食, 還可以參與豐富精彩的互動遊戲,在俊男美女的互動中找尋你的守護天使。
在晚餐後,您也可以在我們訂下的整個餐廳包廂中,盡情使用現場專業級的卡拉OK系統,一展歌喉;或是在震撼音響、迷人燈光下盡情跳舞;當然最重要的是,尋找愛著你的Ta,一起漫步在星光下的海灣小徑,攜手遙望燈光璀璨的San Mateo橋。這一定會是您不想錯過,也不願遺忘的仲夏之夜。
這次尋找愛著我的你 -單身﹣仲夏之夜,更將由灣區著名主持人主持, 並將放映由曾獲獎的蘆葦工作室所製作的最新微電影《尋找愛著我的你》!
This night is one of the nights you would not want to miss. You will have the opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal at a seaside restaurant, and also participate in some interactive games. Meanwhile, you might even meet the person you've been looking for!
We will also screen a short romantic film by Chinclusive Productions. So, dress accordingly in this cocktail party and come enjoy a night of good food, good music, and good company!
Who 出席嘉賓:
《尋找愛著我的你》主角:Jason Lai
兩顆紅豆網創辦人:Q Zhao
Dress code:
cocktail party dress code
普通General Admission: $35
2 Red Beans VIP members: $30
Sign up here:
RVSP by 6/25/2014