Alex Chen-1199 03/15 13888
2)3/15是加州众议院Committee on Higher Education的投票,下面是有投票权的众
3)SVCA委员Kai Zhu挨个试出了以上各位的emails,大家可以一封信群发了!
[加了两个 Miguel Santiago 的 staffer,因为他不再monitor 他的正式官方邮件地址]:
Das.Williams@asm.ca.gov, Catharine.Baker@asm.ca.gov,Evan.Low@asm.ca.gov,
给Co-Author的模版(Co-Author华裔议员有David Chiu,Evan Low,Phil Ting,更多详情请看http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160AB1726)
Honorable Assemblymember xxx:
I know that AB 1726 is slated to be voted tomorrow, March 15 and you are one of the co-authors. I urge you to withdraw your support from this bill because, if signed into law, this bill would be a backward step for equality in California.
I am concerned about the hidden agenda of AB-1726 under the disguise of addressing the diverse needs of the Asian Americans. The stratified data to be collected by government agencies and state universities may easily be manipulated to advance race-based public policies that are unlawful under the State Constitution.
I am concerned about the divisive and unfair nature of AB-1726. There is no mention of sub-groups within Hispanic or White or African Americans, despite the fact that these ethnic groups are equally diverse as Asian Americans, if not more. Why single out Asian Americans only?
I am concerned about the unscientific approach of the bill as it confuses
ethnicities with national origins. Furthermore, the citizenship of one’s
ancestry -- and in many cases multiple citizenships within the family tree -- may not be a deciding factor of that person’s socioeconomic or educational status.
Please recognize the social danger and racial tension that legislation like AB-1726 will put California in.
Please help withdraw this bill!
[Name of petitioner]
[organization name]
[contact info]
I know that AB 1726 is slated to be voted tomorrow, March 15 and you are one of the co-authors. I urge you to withdraw your support from this bill because, if signed into law, this bill would be a backward step for equality in California.
I am concerned about the hidden agenda of AB-1726 under the disguise of addressing the diverse needs of the Asian Americans. The stratified data to be collected by government agencies and state universities may easily be manipulated to advance race-based public policies that are unlawful under the State Constitution.
I am concerned about the divisive and unfair nature of AB-1726. There is no mention of sub-groups within Hispanic or White or African Americans, despite the fact that these ethnic groups are equally diverse as Asian Americans, if not more. Why single out Asian Americans only?
I am concerned about the unscientific approach of the bill as it confuses
ethnicities with national origins. Furthermore, the citizenship of one’s
ancestry -- and in many cases multiple citizenships within the family tree -- may not be a deciding factor of that person’s socioeconomic or educational status.
Please recognize the social danger and racial tension that legislation like AB-1726 will put California in.
Please help withdraw this bill!
[Name of petitioner]
[organization name]
[contact info]
Honorable Assemblymember xxx:
I know that AB 1726 is slated to be voted tomorrow, March 15. I urge that you vote against this bill because, if signed into law, this bill would be a backward step for equality in California.
I am concerned about the hidden agenda of AB-1726 under the disguise of addressing the diverse needs of the Asian Americans. The stratified data to be collected by government agencies and state universities may easily be manipulated to advance race-based public policies that are unlawful under the State Constitution.
I am concerned about the divisive and unfair nature of AB-1726. There is no mention of sub-groups within Hispanic or White or African Americans, despite the fact that these ethnic groups are equally diverse as Asian Americans, if not more. Why single out Asian Americans only?
I am concerned about the unscientific approach of the bill as it confuses
ethnicities with national origins. Furthermore, the citizenship of one’s
ancestry -- and in many cases multiple citizenships within the family tree -- may not be a deciding factor of that person’s socioeconomic or educational status.
Please recognize the social danger and racial tension that legislation like AB-1726 will put California in.
Please vote against AB-1726!
[Name of petitioner]
[organization name]
[contact info]
Honorable Assemblymember xxx:
I know that AB 1726 is slated to be voted tomorrow, March 15. I urge that you vote against this bill because, if signed into law, this bill would be a backward step for equality in California.
I am concerned about the hidden agenda of AB-1726 under the disguise of addressing the diverse needs of the Asian Americans. The stratified data to be collected by government agencies and state universities may easily be manipulated to advance race-based public policies that are unlawful under the State Constitution.
I am concerned about the divisive and unfair nature of AB-1726. There is no mention of sub-groups within Hispanic or White or African Americans, despite the fact that these ethnic groups are equally diverse as Asian Americans, if not more. Why single out Asian Americans only?
I am concerned about the unscientific approach of the bill as it confuses
ethnicities with national origins. Furthermore, the citizenship of one’s
ancestry -- and in many cases multiple citizenships within the family tree -- may not be a deciding factor of that person’s socioeconomic or educational status.
Please recognize the social danger and racial tension that legislation like AB-1726 will put California in.
Please vote against AB-1726!
[Name of petitioner]
[organization name]
[contact info]