双语诗歌【Big If】 作者:麻桑 by 彼岸
彼岸诗歌-2357 09/19 17717
【Big If】麻桑If Death is what we came to this earth forThen, let us idle the engineStop and talk to our neighborListen to the rain drops on the windowPity a flower just droppedTry to interpret the birds' songTake a walk on a snowy eveningFigure out the rhythms of falling leavesPick up a shell while walking on the beach.Open a bottle of red wine you can never affordGo wooing to be reminded of your youthCompose a poem or song which you know you can not do well!But if we were born for the Glory as God promisedThen do exactly the sameFor what we have done so faris not for the flesh we leased from our Lord,Body will decayIt is for our soulswhich are oursAnd ours alone
如果死亡是今生的唯一目的,那么暂且让引擎放慢速度;转身去和邻友打个招面;去静听雨水拍打着窗户;去怜惜那刚刚凋落的花朵;去揣摩鸟语的真谛;去散步在一个雪花覆盖的傍晚;去捕捉落叶的韵律; 走在沙滩上,拾一枚贝壳;开一瓶最昂贵的或许一辈子也买不起的红酒;谈情说爱去激活那想当年风华正茂的青葱岁月;谱一首诗或歌,就算是最笨拙的也罢!假如真应上帝的许诺,我们来生即荣耀,我们同样还是这么去生活,因为活着不是为了向上帝借来的终将腐朽的躯壳,是为了我们的灵魂,只属于我们的灵魂。Translated by: 小玲 ..Charlene
”彼岸"用北美微动博平台,每周向北美和全球朋友推荐优秀诗人的作品。旨在推动诗歌文化在北美, 全球广泛的交流和宣传。