Upcoming important Meetings in August
Jennifer-1157 08/03 9522
Upcoming important Meetings:
Aug 4th 7PM Milpitas City Hall Meeting on Water Sewer Rate Increase
Aug 6th 7PM Milpitas Starlite Park National Night out Potluck Party
Aug 26th 6:30PM City of San Jose Planning Committee meeting on Newby Landfill Expansion
1. Folks who concern about the water sewer rate increase need to attend the meeting at Milpitas City Hall and submit your written message to the city of Milpitas before Aug 4th. If there will be less than half of property owners submit written protest message, the new rate sewer bimonthly rate will be $90.27 for SFR and $69.32 for Mulit-family, $56.97 for Mobile Homes which will be effective on Sept 4th.2015.
2. Folks who want to get know your neighbors and have fun, please bring your best dishes sharing with your neighbors on Thursday Aug 6th 7PM at Milpitas Starlite Park (Cross Street of Spangler Elementary School). The SVFBE (Silicon Valley Foundation for Better Environment) will provide water and refreshments.
3. Folks who fight for stopping the Newby Landfill expansion please mark your calendar on Aug 26th.
Newby landfill has been there for over 80 years. Its current max high of
150ft and capacity of 58 MCYs are close to being reached, therefore it
is seeking an expansion permit that will allow the max high to be 245ft
and 64 MCYs in capacity.
We are strongly against the landfill expansion. Fortunately, residents
around the landfill have united. We have collected more than 23k online
and paper signatures and are determined to fight for stopping the
expansion; unfortunately, we were trying to gain a little voice to be
heard by initiating AB 385 (our district assembly member Kansen Chu's
bill), but the bill was killed by our district senator, Bob Wieckowski,
the Chairman of California Environmental Quality Committee, a resident
of the city of Fremont where many of south Fremont residents are
suffering from the Newby garbage odor. Unfortunately, in 2015 the
Milpitas chamber of commerce honored the Newby landfill operator
"corporate citizen of the year", while thousands of residents in
Milpitas, Fremont, San Jose are suffering the foul odor from the Newby
landfill, and while Bay Area Air Quality Management District issued 6
public nuisance tickets to the Newby landfill!
We are facing very similar situation as the victim residents of Sunshine Canyon
landfill. We don't want to see the tragedy of sunshine Canyon happens again on
victim residents of Newby landfill. Please join our effort to stop the Newby
Landfill Expansion by attending the meeting, joining our google group: Silicon
valley odor problem group, visiting our website: www.svfbe.org Facebook group: silicon valley foundation for
better environment. For donation: svfbe555@gmail.com