An article about SB Woo
8020 PAC-1317 12/16 10326
Want to know a bit more about me, before deciding to
donate to SELF? This article about me
came out today.
My fondest hope is that you may feel sympathetic
about the goals of 80-20, and decide to do your best to save SELF by donating.
Do you know really rich persons in
our community? Do your best to convince them to do our community a lasting service & give SELF a million or two?
We need that kind of donations to save SELF and 80-20 from
dying. 80-20 will honor you and of course that kind of donor.
:-) :-)
S. B. Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 Nat'l
AsAm Educational Foundation, Inc.
- 1. AsAms, courage is your name(10330)
- 2. LA Times article about S. B. Woo(10241)
- 3. An article about SB Woo(10326)
- 4. Q&A on 80-20, You and SELF(12761)
- 5. 《华尔街日报》和《纽约时报》终于站出来帮亚裔学生了(28854)
- 6. 关于亚裔高校入学的好消息(42563)
- 7. We won big. ACCOUNTABILITY established(49825)
- 8. 从停止SCA5法案学到的教训(56185)
- 9. 吴仙标答朋友问:打破加州民主党的绝大多数是防止SCA5卷土重来的最好方式吗?(15154)
- 10. 这次选举的重要性(19636)
- 11. S.B. Woo: The Record Against Paul Fong of San Jose(21653)
- 12. 混淆平权法案的教授(17152)
- 13. 请加入80-20捐赠者协助会(13058)
- 14. 对高校入学使用“族裔考量”的最佳批评(11225)
- 15. Exciting!? Half Way to our GOAL(9057)
- 16. 最好的用政治保护我们自己的方法(10806)
- 17. 在贝克尔事件上亏欠了我们亏欠了自己的孩子(12084)
- 18. SB Woo: Importance of Asia and therefore Asian Americans 亞洲的重要性 因此亞裔美國人的重要性(10683)
- 19. 亚裔玻璃天花板的近况(10794)
- 20. 为什么我们貝克爾需要被解雇(9236)
- 21. (反贝克尔)团结指日可待(12754)
- 22. A Strong Press Release from 80-20(16989)
- 23. 80-20新闻稿:为什么美媒对斯特林和贝克尔区别对待(16621)
- 24. 紧急行动呼吁:反对福克斯公司主持人贝克尔的排华言论(14531) 上一页 下一页
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