3-minute breathing space

anonymous-100394  06/05   5130  

3-minute breathing space

1. Awareness

Bring yourself into the present moment by deliberately adopting an erect and dignified posture. If possible, close your eyes and. Then ask.

"what is my experience right now... in thoughts, in feelings, and in bodily sensations?"

Acknowledge and register your experience, even if it is unwanted.

2 Gathering

Then, gently redirect full attention to breathing, to each inbreath and to each outbreath as they follow, one after the other.

Your breath can function as an anchor to bring you into the present and help you turn into a state of awareness and stillness.

3 Expanding

Expand the field of your awareness around your breathing, so that it includes a sense of the body as a whole, your posture, and facial experessions.