
Hope Toastmasters Club-110653  03/12   3175  

2016年8月,在Washington DC.举办的演讲家俱乐部(Toastmasters)国际比赛中,两名亚裔分别得到第一名和第三名的优秀成绩!

在不远的一天,我们Hope Toastmasters Club的华裔,也会出现在国际比赛的舞台上,展示出我们的演讲才华。让我们为了明天,一起奋斗!

首先让我们欣赏一下来自于加州的Josephine Lee 的 “I will be there!"。 在这次比赛中,Josephine得了第3名的好成绩。


最后,附上Josephine Lee的一个采访录。她谈了自己的奋斗史。

(在2015年club level的比赛中,她被淘汰了。) 


(Exclusive Interview with Josephine Lee) 

1. Ms. Josephine Lee, tell us in a brief statement, your entire Toastmaster journey. When did you first join Toastmasters and why?

I studied Communication in college but went into business after. I wanted to continue my education in public speaking so I joined Toastmasters in 2012. I originally joined to have an outlet from work but throughout the years, I realized it has helped me in business as well. From sales and marketing, to seminars, pitches and most recently a YouTube series, it has helped me in every aspect of my business.

2. During this 6 contest process for The 2016 World Championship Of Public Speaking, what kept you going? Tell us the top 3 learning lessons you earned along the way?

When I was going through a tough time in my business, my mom told me I shouldn’t see this journey as “work.” She told me to change my perspective and see how fun it is, how privileged I am to have this opportunity, and how I can help others along the way. I kept these lessons with me throughout the contest as well. And as I went through the process, I learned these 3 lessons:

1. Learn from someone who’s been through it.
I had no idea what to expect or what to do. So I hired a coach I admired, Munjen Ng. He not only helped me construct a winning speech, but was my biggest support throughout this journey.

2. Focus on the message, not on the trophy.
I never once expected to get as far as I did. I took this entire process as a learning experience and an opportunity to share with the audience. Letting go of the expectations and focusing on the message itself helped me stay focused and also stay open so I could receive all the wonderful gifts this experience had to offer.

3. Take is as a learning experience.
There is a life outside the contest. A lot of people get so fixated on the prize that they miss out on the actual pointe of the contest. The championship is a tool to grow and become a better speaker than you’ve ever been before. Winning a trophy is just a bonus.

3. What advice would you give to future contestants to achieve the level of success you just did this year being in the top 3 in the world?

We should measure our lives not with accolades or awards but by the number of lives we inspire. Being on the world stage gives you a unique opportunity to share a message with thousands of people. What is your message to the world? In both business and in public speaking, focus on delivering value. Take a chance, do it for the right reasons, work with gratitude and the results will follow.


Josephine Lee is an industry leading entrepreneur and an award winning speaker.


​Josephine graduated from the University of Southern California in 2010 with a degree in Communication.She was a sports anchor for a student produced nightly newscast called Annenberg TV News. After graduation, she joined Toastmasters International to continue her education in communication.

​In 2016, she rose above 30,000 contestants to place in the top 3 speakers at the World Championship of Public Speaking. This etched her in history as the first Korean American woman to place in the final stage.


In 2010, Josephine Lee opened a dance retail store in Irvine, California.

After recognizing a need for more accessible and knowledgeable pointe shoe fittings, she started a traveling fitting company called The Pointe Shop in 2014.

She has been classically trained in all styles of dance and have been performing and competing most of her life.

She used her experience and passion for dance to catapult her business and becoming one of the top pointe shoe sellers in the industry.



