二代是吾师9:小中的心声 (附视频)

李春燕  10/19   621470  

PCE Club 年会,请了六位年轻人(16到30岁)畅谈成长经历。在教育专家Joy的带领下,家长们随时问问题,倾听了二代各角度的分享。我这个不带孩子、不琢磨parenting、 不合格的妈妈听着6位青年推心置腹,一会儿捧腹大笑,一会儿潸然泪下。这里只能分享Austin的部分。This is what Austin shared with the audience as a panelist during PCE's 11th Annual Conference. Panelists range from 16 to 30. He is the only high school student.
1. ABC identity, 华裔身份认同,Austin认为他既不是外黄里白的香蕉,也不是里外都黄的柠檬,而是融合的smoothie。中文学校是他找到的唯一联结到他的华裔根基的途径 (the only institution to connect with his Chinese heritage),他还提到我们镇上争取春节加进校历的举措,我们的努力还是被小中看在眼里的。Austin says he is neither a banana nor a lemon. He also mentioned Millburn Chinese Americans' effort to put Chinese New Year on the school calendar.
2. 说到学中文的重要,Austin 讲到回国照顾姥爷,祖孙交流的一段让家长们动容,更让我落泪。在座青年们从各角度说不学中文会后悔。Austin 是为数不多的喜欢去中文学校的,还曾经代表毕业生演讲并在短剧新武松打虎里饰演武松。网上盛传Mark Zukerberg自学中文的视频,Mark 也提到跟祖辈交流,并说他的国语比华裔的太太还好。Mark词汇量比Austin大得多,虽然Austin是字正腔圆的中文发音。我们不需要Zukerberg和这六位青年人提醒吧。Austin uses his interaction with grandpa to show how important it is to learn Chinese. Update: Austin chose taking care of grandparents over preparing for the upcoming SAT. It may have impacted his score, but what he got out of the experience is irreplaceable. Austin's essay on his interaction with grandpa received a silver key for the Young Arts writing contest.
3. 亲子交流敏感话题,诸如政治、冲突等等,父母要避讳吗? Austin 举例说不要掩饰,扩展level of comfort, 但要掌握度,适合孩子年纪(避免暴力画面等)。Parent child communication: maturity level for certain controversial topics.
4. 说声爱你不容易。 一些家长很难对孩子表达爱意。我走在外面喜欢和孩子们勾肩搭臂,13岁的老二仍然和妈妈粘粘糊糊。Austin 举例虽然口头说爱他很珍惜,但更珍视的是爸爸给他送书这样点点滴滴爱的行动。显然父亲们口头表达爱意似乎更难。Telling versus Showing love: to a lot of Asian families, it is not easy for parents to express love to their children. 
5. Parent dos--proudest moment
6. 青年人们被要求从恋爱,手足关系,独生子女,家长该避免哪些方式等总结 (Parent don'ts, sibling rivalry, single child, sex education)。我觉得真是受益匪浅,足证二代是吾师。
下面链接是Austin一年前讲teenage dating,这一次他没提自己的经历。Austin's presentation in June 2013.

7. 自我介绍。最年轻的一个(16岁),其他都是大学生或已经在职场上颇有建树的华裔青年。Austin 提到已经活动三四年的ABC Club (亲子交流)和新近建立的OCA Junior Board, 以及11/1号将要在新州南部办的公共演讲活动 (请尽快报名)。自我介绍以后,回答问题都是现场。主持人单线联系,我们除了开车什么也不知道。Self Introduction--youngest panelist.
