风雅颂.诗韵 08/02 72342
手染手绘服装:Joanna Design
Happy Autum!
We missed some of you over the summer - I hope you had a productive and healthy summer. We have had many people join us every week for class and have made a lot of progress. Check with some of the participants and get their feedback!
Just so you know, our new semester starts on 8/21. Welcome back and let's work on our health and confidence together! Please RSVP by three options:
- Filling in the sign up form at the end of this post;
- Text to 6503468906;
- Simply write a note via wechat.
Please consult with your physician before joining the class. 上课训练之前,请咨询你的医生。无需经验,无年龄、无性别限制,非诚勿扰。
Please select your classes according to the following schedule:
Class 1. 周日5:30pm 基本功/仪态课
【地点】Room G6 4000 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306
Class 2. 周日6:45pm 走秀排练课
【地点】Room G6 4000 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306
Class 3. 周二8pm 基本功/仪态课
【地点】Lower Social Hall
Mountain View Community Center 201 S Rengstorff Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040
希望自己优雅大方、气场十足,成为一棵常青树吗?我们看到以下现象:凡是坚持出席的学员均进步显著! 这课程除了塑身美态之外,还蕴蓄着深厚的文化内涵与丰富的艺术营养。
For the full semester, the tuition is as follows:
- $158 for 1 class per week ($398 value);
- 5% discount if take 2 classes each week;
- 10% discount if take 3 classes each week;
- $25 registration fee
創辦人羅曼 美國文藝創作碩士 Master of Fine Art: