围炉夜话 (4)

anonymous-633  04/04   7571  

3/31号那天,Chuck Page 忽然出现在反SCA5的28群里,大家都不相信是真的。他确认是他本人后,由LY主导,和Chuck在28群里像朋友一样聊了一个晚上。对话相当精彩!


大家可以看出,Chuck是一个非常有智慧,愿意去面对问题,解决问题,很温和共和党人。他现在正在为他的选举筹款(离目标还有点远),如果看完他的采访,你喜欢他,请捐出一点钱来支持他,帮帮他,帮他实现他的梦想 --- 在第一阶段,成功胜出加州28区众议员的初选。其实,帮他就是帮助我们自己,帮助加州成为政治生态更平衡的地方,更能凸显民主的真谛。



Section 4: “wrong law”, party super-majority or party-line voting, choosing “Independence” or “Sacrifice for Discipline”?

*** “Wrong Law” ***
I wasn't there, but those who voted for it (“bathroom law”) should tell us why. I feel yah most every law is well intentioned. However, if only one point of view is considered, then only one way of solving the problem will be delivered, especially if any one group feels they have the power to always win. Every problem has at least 2 sides, often many more. I don't think that the legislators that voted for the bathroom bill considered the alternatives, nor did they consider how others would be hurt or what the ramifications will be. I always work to consider all sides of a issue - that's my job once I got elected. I am a problem solver - and the solution is not always the most popular one.

Bathroom law, for example - I would seek to provide that principals or super indents have to make individual case decisions on what bathroom facilities a gender-questioning youth should use. Not a one-size-fits-all solution.

If you don't like a law and believe it is wrong, you should seek to overturn it. This means that you actually agreeing with the party and like to close this "special circumstance" because your respect for life.

My understanding is that "wrong" or "right" is subjective more or less. To abolish is one way, or the alternative is to find a constructive solution to amend it. Or before that "wrong" law ever becomes a law, try to steer into a more "reasonable" solution.

This is what I know - if a law is wrong in your mind, but right in someone else's, I will need to understand the other views of it as best I can before either eliminating it or modifying it. Sometimes the law will fit only a specific situation. I work to have it only apply to that specific situation.

Yes, after knowing as much as possible, it becomes clearer how to vote and what changes can be made to make the law work. Or sometimes, the truth becomes self-evident and the law can be abolished.

Reasonable people with respect for each other, combined with a thoughtful approach, not just foot-stomping or fist-pounding, gets good results and ultimately beings people together. We need a lot of coming together, no more creating divisiveness & division.

*** Party Line ***


Party line voting if based on values is ok. It's wrong if the vote happens along party lines because you're told to do so. Someone with no life or job experience would probably only vote along party lines because they are told to do so and don't have any reason not to. I like to stand up for values ethics and principles - and sometimes that doesn't coincide with party philosophies. I've done that at Santa Clara Republican Committee before. (Ended up that the majority saw it like I - and others - did when final vote was taken)

Do you think it is an important character to have discipline and follow party majority/leader? Or more important to be independent minded even if it means unpopular and "political suicide"?

Anyone can pound their fist on an issue - hardly ever results in a solution. Political suicide just to make a view sound important or different also has little likelihood of resolving anything. Respect, honesty, integrity and values are the key.

If the Republican Party, the party that fought to abolish slavery, fought for former slaves to become citizens and get the right to vote ever fought FOR SCA 5, then I would not be a member of that party.

Voting on party line is becoming a norm and that is poisoning the system of democracy.

Several years ago I made a promise to myself. I swore that I would never vote for someone whose signs read "xxx Democrat for YYY" or ..."...Republican for ..." Because I felt that person was putting their party ahead of the people that they represent.

Let me clarify. Chuck, say we elect you to hope that you vote with party line so that “bad” bills from democrats cannot pass. But you obviously are more independent minded, so even if we break the democrats super majority, you could still vote across the aisle and enable them to pass laws we don't like. Is it true?

If a bill comes through that is good for all of us, and there seems to be no good reason to oppose other than because it came from the other party, then it may be very good to vote for it. In fact, if there was a good bill and all agreed that it was, I would work to NOT have a party line fight - and get more of is to vote for it. Then, when a good bill came up from the Republican side, folks on the other side of the aisle would have a much better chance of voting for the bill because of its merits and not against it just because it was a REP bill

Bad bill - vote no. Good bill - vote yes. Before voting in either case - review all of the ramifications an ensure that it really is a good bill

a Rep senator voted for a budget when the entire rest of Reps did not. I asked him why? He said that they were arguing over 50K in a 50B budget. It made no sense to keep saying no just to say that there was no budget agreement and make majority party look bad. Passed the budget and got to work on GOOD bills.

If the party will survive or fail based in one Assembly vote, that party is way beyond help.

Before term limits, you didn't see this party bickering to this extent. I don't believe that the elected in DC or Sac should be so focused on what party wins, they should be focused on how many Americans /Californians are succeeding.

Yes, People & solving problems first. When we think of party, our first thought should be "who is bringing what food"!