围炉夜话 (2)

anonymous-633  04/04   7920  

3/31号那天,Chuck Page 忽然出现在反SCA5的28群里,大家都不相信是真的。他确认是他本人后,由LY主导,和Chuck在28群里像朋友一样聊了一个晚上。对话相当精彩!


大家可以看出,Chuck是一个非常有智慧,愿意去面对问题,解决问题,很温和共和党人。他现在正在为他的选举筹款(离目标还有点远),如果看完他的采访,你喜欢他,请捐出一点钱来支持他,帮帮他,帮他实现他的梦想 --- 在第一阶段,成功胜出加州28区众议员的初选。其实,帮他就是帮助我们自己,帮助加州成为政治生态更平衡的地方,更能凸显民主的真谛。



Section 2: Your social value, Pro life and abortion.

My next question is about family values to share. Are you pro life? Also how do you view the LGBT rights? I understand that elected officials often have to answer hard questions. If you really don't like to answer, it is fine (with us) too.

Being a parent is the most important role that we will ever have in this lifetime. By our example and teachings, or children learn to work hard at all they do, for true success is always the result of hard work; respect for others - we are all in this earth together, none better than another and we have a responsibility to help those less fortunate. Our inalienable rights apply to all citizens regardless of their likes or dislikes, unless they violate the law and are found guilty - then they are jailed and rights taken away.

I would like to preface my answered with a statement. I will never, ever tell you what I think you want to hear. I will answer every question honestly, based upon what I have learned ad my 58 years of life experience. After answering, I welcome the opportunity I be educated in areas that I do not know enough about. Only by being educated will I be able to answer the question erred he next time. I remember when my wife got pregnant and the first time I saw that little heart beat in the ultrasound. That is joy I will never, ever forget. Federal law says that abortion is legal. I know that I would not want to see an abortion of a baby that a loving woman carrying my baby might want, but I respect the law and would respect her need to discuss it. I do not believe that abortion should be used as a form of birth control. There is a new push for "post birth abortions". That is murder.

I heard that on the abortion front, a lot of republican like banning it completely, with no exception for rape and incest. That seems to be an official party position, is it?

Official party platforms are put together around Presidential elections, and I'm glad that I have a right to disagree with portions and voice my disagreement. Rape, incest and others should always be considered as special circumstances. What I don't like is double standard. If a pregnant woman is attacked, it is considered "special circumstances" because she is carrying a child. But if she aborted child it wouldn't be considered a child. That is a conflict. I don't think that abortions in cases of rape or incest are "birth control".

Rape and incest are special circumstance and special consideration should be given. If mother gives birth and then beats the child because child looks like the rapist, that is wrong. Would abortion have been better? Very hard to say. My upbringing says that in cases like that it is not a black and white answer. Never is it right I kill another human being, and you know when I felt my daughter was a human being - as soon as I saw the heart beat on the ultrasound. But I have to respect today's law, whether I like it or not.

Without special circumstances, you'd then ban abortion completely. Do you? This is the party platform.

I know that I cannot change everything that I don't like. I know what I feel in my heart, but I have never been put in the position of having my 15-year old daughter come to me and tell me she was raped and is pregnant. What would u feel?

So I take that you disagree with party over abortion and want to preserve the special circumstances like rape and others. Thanks (for answering this)!