
user-weidb-1348  06/19   16480  



大量捐款人加入SFFA, 不但强有力地捍卫原告的诉讼资格,且有利于吸引大额捐款者加入,并直接警告和震撼所有对亚裔进行歧视的学校。



1. 捐款人必须是美国居民。公民/绿卡/H1B/H4/L1/F1/F2等皆可.
2. 捐款人必须完全自愿,并且阅读SFFA 捐款页上的说明。

Blum及其杰出律师团队状告哈佛案目前仍在联邦地区法院审理,但其终点直指联邦最高法院;起诉对象虽然是哈佛,但其终极目标是彻底终结全美高校新生录取中的种族歧视政策。帮助Blum就是帮助我们自己。每人5到10块,多捐也欢迎,支持SFFA, 确保我们的后代有个公平的未来!

更多Ed Blum 5/30在湾区讲座的现场录像,请看:

其中Ed Blum 的Keynote Speech见下(更多精彩录像点击以上链接):


An Open Letter to the Supporters and Members of Students for Fair Admissions 
Dear Supporters and Members of Students for Fair Admissions,
Because of your help and efforts, SFFA has exceeded 20,000 members during the last few weeks. This is a remarkable achievement and it won’t go unnoticed by Harvard and all of the other Ivy League schools.
Now, I have a new request that will build on our efforts: SFFA would like to have 1000 donors who have committed their own resources to the group. This is important because it will show that we have broad financial support from our members. This, too, won’t go unnoticed by the Ivy League.
Please go to this link and donate any amount of money that you can afford. It can be a small as $5.00 or as generous as $1000. 

Thank you again for all of your help with our efforts to end quotas and discrimination at Harvard, the Univ. of North Carolina, and all of our nation’s colleges.
Sincerely yours,
Edward Blum
Students for Fair Admissions