被建楼者丢弃的同样一块石头已经成了主奠基石 (咏诗118:22)

伟清- 房地产+贷款-3300  04/25   10908  

The Same Stone Which The Builders Rejected Has Become The Chief Cornerstone (Psalm 118:22)

From 《Forward Day by Day》by Forward Movement Friday April 10---Friday in Easter Week

Many biblical scholars say that Psalm 118 was a thanksgiving psalm sung in the context of ancient Israel's worship. As the voice of God's people, the psalmist gives thanks to God, who--despite apparent rejection and defeat--delivered them, first from slavery in Egypt, then from exile in Babylon. Out of despair came hope, out of ashes came new life. 

I like the saying "one person's trash is another's treasure." It's a reminder that things aren't always as they appear. Something one person thinks is worthless is valuable to another.

Through the Resurrection of Christ, we see that God has the power to transform trash into treasure. It's like my compost that transforms useless food scraps into rich fertilizer. Like the earth itself, God can bring new life and possibility out of things that we have set aside, ignored, or discarded. In fact, God can build something new out of them.

Is there something--a part of yourself, a person, a tangible thing--which you reject today that could be the foundation of something new?


我喜欢这个谚语“一个人的垃圾是另一个人的宝藏.” 这是在提醒:事情不总是和表面所呈现的一致。一个人认为是完全无价值的对另一个人却是无价之宝。

