Down the Wet Cobble-stoned Lane•夏夜•雨
点点蓝珊瑚-100645 08/28 10345
Down the Wet Cobble-stoned Lane
Sprinkling the lights, from
small shops on either side
Illuminated a silent shower in a late-summer night
Sweet aromas from Au Bon Pain
Drifted into the wet night-air
Soft-orange neon signs
Glowed through chiffons of rain
We were walking down the wet cobble-stoned lane
under an oilpaper umbrella
Yellow hued and bamboo bones
Hand-sketched orchids in white and blue
Indigo leaves so slender and tender
Your hand held the umbrella
My hand rested on your arm
We strolled down the wet cobble-stoned lane
You were telling me a story
Your faraway journey
Your voice resonant in the cool night's air
Your eyes shining like the stars
I was listening, smiling
Looking down the wet cobble-stoned lane
I let go of your arm,
skipping into the wet night air
You stepped forward to catch
Hand in hand, we skipped and stepped
Into puddles, a lily pad, one after another
Rainwater splashed, a blooming flower, one after another
Rainwater sparkled, a full circle of rainbow, one after another
Down the wet cobble-stoned lane
淅淅沥沥 雨幕
透着暖暖路灯 点点霓虹
面包房里传来 丝丝香甜
弥漫小巷 夜空
踩着青青幽幽 鹅卵石的路
他兴致勃勃 谈着什么
她颔首 专注静听
突然 她嗔笑着脱了 他的臂弯
哎 不是雨停
他追上去 拉起她的手
一起踏进 雨夜的谜濛
水花朵朵 涟漪层层
伴着他们 清澈的笑
映着他们 霓虹的梦
8.25.'14, 8.28.'15
7.31.'14 W Fullerton Ave, Montclair, New Jersey