美美诗集(六)- My Eyes, My voice, My Lips

quanhe-984  06/19   11988  

My Eyes, My voice, My Lips - by Mei Chen,May 8th. 

My dark brown eyes, 
As hot as a summer sky 
As enthusiastic as a tossing ocean 
As mysterious as a morning mist. 
Glittering like Sultan' diamonds 
Capturing your restless soul 

My appealing voice 
As soft as cub's fur 
As gentle as Pan's pipes 
As smooth as mountain stream 
Coming from the valley below 
Singing into your frenzied heart 

My supple lips 
As red as the sunset 
As fresh as rain-soaked morning 
As sweet as dew-wet blossom 
Dazzling like sunlight on the water 
Drifting down your stirring blood