请声援国会议员Brad Trost:转发此信给联邦保守党,彻查党员名单泄漏事件,还Brad一个清白!

Yip  06/16   2328  

The response here is posted from my family and our thoughts. Neither Brad Trost Campaign nor Mr. Brad Trost has reached out to us to be any official spokesperson. These are our thoughts and views represent only those of our family as we have been concerned and watching the situation unfold. Thank you. *****************************************************************************************
请从以下部分粘贴复制声援Brad Trost:

Dear Conservative Party of Canada,

The allegations against the Brad Trost Campaign is not justified in any way. If you have "evidence" or "findings" then your committee needs to make these public to all the members of the Conservative party. This is not something that can be conducted behind closed doors. Brad's team members were not even invited to this secret meeting and unable to see what you based these horrible allegations against. Therefore, if there is no evidence then it is not truth. 

The motive behind this allegation is very questionable because the result does not seek to present truth but rather "ram through" a decision and now we are looking like another party in the House of Commons. It grieves me to write this because I do not wish to divide the party but this is not acceptable because there is officially no proof to link the Brad Trost Campaign to the letter issued from the NFA. 

Our whole family stands behind the Brad Trost campaign and we unashamededly rally behind Brad Trost campaign 100% that they are not involved as alleged. We believe there has been a grave injustice done to Brad and the Brad Trost campaign team who worked very hard to draw interest and new members to the party. Furthermore, Brad demonstrated his respect to Andrew Scheer and loyalty to the party by immediately rallying behind to support behind our new leader, Mr. Andrew Scheer immediately after the results. We therefore join Brad to rally behind Andrew as our new leader too. 

Despite each opportunity to be stirred by the media, immediately after the leadership race results were announced, Brad repeatedly encouraged Conservative Members by sharing how he will work with Andrew Scheer and now the goal is to defeat The Trudeau government. He respects our new leader and voters and strengthened the need for party members that we all should throw our support to Andrew Scheer to win and defeat Justin Trudeau in 2019. 

To the Party: please provide proof so the Brad Trost campaign team can examine and provide reasonable time to review and respond, if this "evidence or so called proof" exists. Then please make these public so you are accountable to each member of the Conservative Party of Canada. Because this is still under investigation and there is no evidence provided by the Party to link the allegations to the Brad Trost campaign team, why did you take their deposit prematurely? The deposit cannot and should not be taken by the Conservative Party because there is no foundational truth to these allegations. Please return the $50,000 to the campaign and find those that are truly responsible for framing Brad, the campaign team. Please do the right thing and restore confidence to us members that it will be conducted in a fair and unbiased manner by making your findings public. Thank you kindly. 






















