11/15 SVCA庆祝Baker当选答谢义工晚会致辞

Alex Chen-1199  11/16   22350  

Good evening, Ladies&Gentlemen,

  Today, I am honored to be here, to  be with you, to celebrate the victory of Catharine Baker. [I am feeling at home now since I have made so many trips here]. Catharine, Congratulations! We feel very proud that we have been supporting you since March.

  As you may know, Catharine’s victory is so important. Her seat is critical to bringing balance of power to California.

  And you may also know, this victory is so unbelievable, and seemed almost impossible at the beginning. Her opponent had much more money, much more resource, and much higher voter base. But we won, because we have a great candidate, because we have better allies, and because we have a big army of great volunteers like you!

  This uphill battle was full of blood, sweat and tears. I feel so lucky to fight with you all along the way. It will become my lifetime memory. One day, we can tell our children, our grandchildren: We were here. We fought hard. And we won.  

  Back to SVCA, it is just a symbol. Our volunteers are true heros. With your help, we can make something big; Without you, we can achieve nothing. United we stand, apart we fall.
  Glory belongs to you! 

  Please  allow me to introduce my fellow SVCA committee members. They have been very active since Feb. Totally there are 34. 8 of them are from AD16. Please stand up. (Crystal/Alan/Liao/Nina/Ross/Lisa/Jay/Charles). If you want to join us, please contact any of them. We have started the registration process, and we need more vols to serve our community better.

Thank you