目前的金融體系 - 美國犯錯誤 全世界來支付 Current Finanical System - American made mistakes - the world paid for it SCMP: Xi Jinping seeks bigger voice for BRICS on global economic governance 習近平:要抓緊建金磚......

Johnson Choi-1008  11/15   10223  

目前的金融體系 - 美國犯錯誤 全世界來支付 Current Finanical System - American made mistakes - the world paid for it  SCMP: Xi Jinping seeks bigger voice for BRICS on global economic governance 習近平:要抓緊建金磚國家銀行

President Xi Jinping said the leading developing countries should have a larger say in global economic governance during his visit to Australia for the G20 summit. Analysts said that fitted with China's efforts to promote its global economic status.

Xi made the appeal on Saturday at an informal meeting with other leaders of the so-called BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - before the summit got under way in Brisbane over the weekend.

"Economic cooperation is the sustaining power to drive the development of the BRICS nations," Xi said. He said the countries should develop an integrated market and promote better financial connections, infrastructure and cultural exchanges. The president pledged to make long-term plans for economic cooperation and to build a closer economic partnership.

Xi also called for the establishment of a development bank and contingency reserve arrangements among the BRICS nations. That was an important step for China to expand its investment capacity while promoting its economic status, said Li Lifan , an expert on Central Asian affairs at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

The BRICS leaders signed a landmark agreement in July to create a development bank and a US100 billion currency exchange reserve.

Establishing regional development banks for emerging economies was a good way for China to make better use of its foreign exchange reserves and enlarge its investment channels, Li said.

"China will invest about US200 billion in infrastructure for neighbouring countries. It is preparing to invest US$60 billion in the BRICS Development Bank, plus US$40 billion in the Silk Road Fund proposed at Apec, and another investment in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Bank," he said.

Li said regional development banks could offer very low interest rates to counter the influence of a Western-dominated international currency system.

"Raising China's stakes in international financial markets should not only depend on gross domestic product," Li said. "It should rely more on the overall strength of the country and its foreign investment capacity."

Xi urged countries to push for positive results at the G20 summit and to help implement the International Monetary Fund's quota and governance reforms, which aimed to boost the voting power of dynamic emerging-market and developing countries.

In addition to economic cooperation, Xi also said the BRICS nations should cooperate more closely on international politics and security.

習近平:要抓緊建金磚國家銀行 - 習近平出席金磚國家領導人非正式會晤。圖為五國領導人在會晤前合影。 習近平大洋洲之行 - 香港文匯報訊(記者 江鑫嫻 北京報道)中國國家主席習近平15日在布里斯班參加金磚國家領導人非正式會晤時指出,建立金磚國家開發銀行和應急儲備安排是件大事,要抓緊落實。另外,金磚國家要積極參與國際多邊合作,提高在全球經濟治理中的話語權。他並強調,金磚國家合作要做到政治和經濟「雙輪」驅動,既做世界經濟動力引擎,又做國際和平之盾,深化在國際政治和安全領域協調和合作,捍衛國際公平正義。 金磚國家領導人非正式會晤15日在布里斯班舉行,習近平和巴西總統羅塞夫、俄羅斯總統普京、印度總理莫迪、南非總統祖馬五國領導人出席。五國領導人就金磚國家合作以及重大國際和地區問題深入交換意見,取得高度共識。 提高全球經濟治理中話語權 - 習近平在講話中指出,經濟合作是推動金磚國家發展的持久動力,要本開放、包容、合作、共贏的金磚國家精神,繼續致力於建設一體化大市場、金融大流通、基礎設施互聯互通、人文大交流,制定經濟合作長期規劃,建立更緊密經濟夥伴關係。建立金磚國家開發銀行和應急儲備安排是件大事,要抓緊落實。 據悉,中國、巴西、俄羅斯、印度和南非於今年7月15日在巴西福塔萊薩簽署協議,成立金磚國家開發銀行,並建立金磚國家應急儲備安排。根據協議,該銀行總部將設在上海。 根據金磚國家領導人第六次會晤發表的《福塔萊薩宣言》,金磚國家開發銀行初始核定資本為1,000億美元,初始認繳資本為500億美元並由各創始成員國均攤。該銀行將主要支持金磚國家和其他新興經濟體及發展中國家的基礎設施建設。 習近平並強調,金磚國家合作要做到政治和經濟「雙輪」驅動,既做世界經濟動力引擎,又做國際和平之盾,深化在國際政治和安全領域協調和合作,捍衛國際公平正義。 習近平表示,金磚國家要積極參與國際多邊合作,提高在全球經濟治理中的話語權。要在即將舉行的二十國集團布里斯班峰會上加強協調合作,推動會議取得積極成果,致力於建設開放型世界經濟,落實國際貨幣基金組織改革方案,推動解決全球發展問題。 五國盼發達國家慎採貨幣政策 - 與會各國領導人表示,當前世界經濟有待實現強勁、可持續復甦。新興經濟體要努力保持增長,積極推動全球經濟治理。有關發達國家應該採取負責任的貨幣政策,防止外溢效應,加大投資,尋找可持久增長動力。國際貨幣基金組織份額改革方案應該盡快得到落實。金磚國家要加強全方位合作,落實好巴西福塔萊薩會晤成果,加快推進金磚國家開發銀行和應急儲備安排有關建設進程,密切溝通和協調,確保二十國集團布里斯班峰會取得成功,維護共同利益。 與會領導人強調,將繼續加強國際合作,支持聯合國、世界衛生組織等共同應對埃博拉(港稱伊波拉)疫情。