李春燕 11/02 21254
OCA Junior Board 十一月一日成功组织第二次公共演讲,大雨也没阻挡家长和孩子的热情。
可喜的是一些家长们意识到the power of words,倍而爽团队家长不辞辛劳带孩子来演讲,又赶去排练演出。感谢Kathy从夏天就开始联络图书馆,Aaron 安装麦克风。相信来讲的和听的都受益匪浅。
值得思考的是如何培养,孩子年龄小时,家长在选题、语言、排练上也许影响多些;孩子大了,在鼓励他们大胆开口的同时也要放手,让孩子们去找题写稿准备,可以侧面帮忙,但不求完美。不完美又如何?给孩子sense of control 会激起他们的投入。这个话题不是三言两语讲得清的,现在还是听听Dr. Yingchao Zhang 的精彩演讲吧。
more photos Credit Kathy:https://plus.google.com/app/basic/photos/106494300901986471721/album/6077582329019013185?banner=pwa
Austin opening speech, acknowledging Mrs. Kathy Wang
Arnold intro to Dr. YZ (Yingchao Zhang)
A passionate community leader Dr. Yingchao Zhang gave an inspiring speech calling for involvement from young age. "We are responsible citizen and a minority who are severely underrepresented, so it is more urgent for us to be involved. "
Chris explains the All Students Count photo campaign.
Alyson ID Bag brief demo
Arnold gave a moving account of what molded him to be a caring young man-- his experience in China.
Jr Bd Certificates