10/16 Saratoga学区委员竞选辩论,吴永健受好评
Alex Chen-1199 10/17 149515.0/1
简介:The forum and debate at Foothill Elementary was organzied by PTAs of Redwood Middle, Saratoga Elementary, Argonaut Elementary and Foothill Elementary.
Cynthia, Yongjian, and Laura,
Great job last night! Thank you for stepping up to run for school board.
You are extremely talented and would do so much to move Saratoga schools
forward. You have done your homework.
The most interesting comments for me were:
* school district running in red for next 3 years - teachers paid more than
neighboring districts, Yongjian great point he doesn't run his house budget
in the red - why are we running the district budget in the red.
* very little money to spend on technology
* Yongjian great point - taking a year to agree on a teacher's contract is a
problem, teachers wearing black shirts to board meetings, how motivated are
teachers to teach our kids when they are arguing about contracts?
* Patty's silly point - we need higher salaries to retain good teachers then
she says we get 100 resumes for 2 jobs. Saratoga is an amazing school
district, we don't need to overpay and run a budget in the red with little
money for technology to retain or attract teacher talent. Call her out on
* Susan Germand said teachers felt disrespected last year. If teachers
demand schedules that cause financial hardship and disruption for working
parents and students who need a consistent schedule, they will get
disrespect. A compromise is the solution - 9 minimum days a year which is what we've had.
* Talk more about working parents, it's so expensive to live in this
district, many families have 2 working parents. The current school board has
ignored the needs of working parents.
* Make the point you 3 have students in Saratoga schools NOW. Patty and
Susan DO NOT. They are not well connected to the parent/student community.
Your connection is so much stronger than Patty holding office hours at a
school once a month. You are part of the schools on a daily basis. You know
the needs from a first hand basis.