My writing - Vivian

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我的健身点滴-原作 Dreamcatcher 3/19/14 8:45晚

我在Curves女子健身房锻炼有三年之久,快积累700小时了。Curves 是美国的女子联锁健身房之一。比较适合中老年妇女。我在2011年一月一日,新年决定要好好保重身体,要有计划,持之以恒的做健身运动。一下决心、居然坚持了三年之久。我有时觉得自己是个自由散漫,有头无尾、没有长性的人。没想到我尽然做了件超越自身的,极为自豪的事情。这三年的健身不但让我真正体验到什么叫生命在于运动、也让我有机会接触到来自不同背景的女人们。有的曾经患有癌症,有的50岁开始学习滑雪,70岁成为滑雪健将、 有的曾经是网球和高尔夫球健、有的常年累月、二三十年坚持每天风雨无阻的独步,78岁的年龄、每天都迈着舞步旋转进到Curves 健身房里。这是我周围一群阳光的女人们。她们是我学习的楷模、是我面对未来生活的希望。如果我80-90岁还精力充沛,兴致勃勃周游列国,一定得归功于我持之以恒健身的效果。我一直认为我年轻时活得有尊严,老了要活得更有尊严,那每天就得将维修身体的时间摆上。怪不得谁说的、身体是革命的本钱?
I started Curves exercise as part of my 2011 NY resolution . Can't believe it has been over 3 years that I have actually consistently spent one hour per day , almost 5-6 days a week at Curves . So far I have done close to 700 hours of exercise. I thought I was pretty good at many things ( in terms of being consistent ) , but never in physical exercises . I signed up two other gyms since I turned 35 years old, spent  thousands of $ , but end up quitting . It is easy to go to gym for a few days, weeks or even months, but it is hard to do it for years. I am so proud of myself to be able to excel my own limitation and fulfilled 3 + years workout .  
Not only Have I witnessed the change in my body through work out , but also  a huge difference in my mentality . I have met so many remarkable women who have inspired me and changed my life for ever. Some are in their 70's ,80's ,and 90's , some had battled cancers and become the winners, one lady started ski when she was in her 50 's , then turned out to be a pro twenty years later. She could ski for 5-6 hours for over two weeks in her mid 70's now. She bikes 3-4 hours every Sunday. There are also ladies who played golf/ tennis in a very professional level.  Another lady in her mid 70's has been walking every day rain or shine for 20 + years. Every day, she does not walk into Curves room, she dances through the door. These are the group of ladies that have been inspiring me everyday . They are my role models, my rosy future?. I am not afraid to become old any more. I am dreaming of traveling around the world in my 70's and 80's like these ladies , with passion and energy.  What a beautiful picture I am painting for my old age!  I have lived a good life so far with dignity , and I am hoping that my future life would be filled with more grace and dignity . But it all comes to having a sound mind and body to enjoy my remaining years. Go Dreamcatcher( Real name- Vivian). 

By Dreamcatcher- 3/19/14 8:45pm

 教给你的孩子善良吧! --原作-Dreamcatcher 3/7/2014 晚11点

多年前的一天,我接上刚刚放学的女儿默轩。开车回家的路上,一辆救护车拉着警笛,从我们车旁快速开过。 当我们的车慢慢停下来,靠边让路时,女儿看了我一眼、说道:“妈妈我们为救护车上的病人祷告吧、 我有这样的感动 ” 。 我俩低下了头,开始求神保守帮助那救护车上的陌生人,医治她/他。我当时为女儿有如此的爱心感到莫大的安慰。为自己和家人、以及朋友祝福祷告不难,但在她那幼小纯洁的心灵中,能想到为一个不相识的病人祷告,是多么让我这个做妈妈的感到宽慰。想到我常常在有意无意中讲述一些要爱人如己,宽恕得罪我们的人,常常心存善良等等道理,尽然都进入她的心灵深处。我是多么希望我的孩子长大后是个心地善良,助人为乐,对社会有责任感的人! 当我注视这她那张天使般纯洁的面容,我知道,我那美丽善良的女儿,将来无论走到哪里,经历何种的人生磨难,她将安然渡过,因她将有来自上天的祝福。因为她心存善良!

默轩目前是Johns Hopkins Univeristy - 翰霍普金斯大学一年级的学生,专修国际关系,辅修电影制作。她的个人博客---今日历史和文化的回顾(16 岁开始写作到如今两年来,全世界各地有三十多万人跟踪、美国著名国家图书馆也收藏她的有些文章。
Many years ago,  after picking up Kathryne from school, I was driving home. Suddenly  we heard a loud siren from a speedy ambulance behind us, I quickly moved my car to the side road as I always do, and stopped for giving way to the ambulance to pass . Kathryne looked at me and said" Mom, can we pray for the person in the ambulance?" I nodded my head in silence. We closed our eyes and said the following prayer in one voice" God , please protect, heal and save the life in this ambulance" . 
My heart was deeply touched by my daughter 's love for others, for complete strangers. It is not hard to pray for ourselves, for family members, for friends, but praying for people we don't know, for strangers is not a common and easy thing.  Looking at Kathryne, she almost transformed into a beautiful angel, her angelic face was shining with purity and love. 
I was so happy that my wish and daily teaching actually instilled deep into her heart . I always dreamed of having my daughters growing up to be gentle, kind ,caring  and forgiving .  It seems like dream has come true that day. I believe what goes around comes around. I have been blessed with a full and abundant life  by being kind and compassionate . Now I would not doubt that Kathryne would sail through life with God's protection and love! 

Kathryne is a freshman at Johns Hopkins Univeristy , major in International Studies, minor in Film Making . She started her blog in Tumbler when she was 16 years old -- Day by Day Reflection of History and Culture ( As of today, she had over 300,000 + followers all over the world . Many of her postings have been featured and archived by many prestigious national libraries  over the last two years .

By Dreamcatcher 3/7/2014 11pm 

我有彩虹情结-原作Dreamcatcher 3/5/14 晚 11点

我八十年代末来到波士顿上学,认识了一家待我如亲生女儿的美国夫妇(Tom 汤姆和 Hilda 赫而达) 他们也是早年从爱尔兰移民美国,对我这样一个留学生关怀备至。逢年过节,怕我孤独,一定邀请我去他家。他们是虔诚的天主教徒。我第一次走进教堂,就是受他们的要请。记得那是一个雨过天晴的下午,我和汤姆在他家后院聊天,抬头看到天边一轮彩虹?,我们两都喜笑颜开,专注地欣赏这难得一见,又很快就要消失的美丽彩虹。 记得汤姆问我,你知道彩虹意味着什么? 他将圣经中诺亚方舟的故事简短的给我讲述、 然后他的脸上充满着希望、喜乐,(我的幻觉中他好像就是那是的诺亚),他慢条斯理但语气坚定的说到:当你看见彩虹时,你知道那是上帝与人的约,虽然他大水洗净大地,似乎要毁灭当时那肉欲横流的人类,但当你看到彩虹,你就知道他爱你我,他的约就写在那彩虹上。 
每当看到彩虹我就想起汤姆和那天与他对话,想起神的爱、 和神与我的约。 暴风骤雨,洗净大地的污浊,也洗涤我的灵魂,雨过天晴,一切都在爱中、一切都有神的美意。
Saturday morning (3/1) , Zoe and I just finished breakfast and walked out of the restaurant in Los Altos. Wow, what a beautiful sight--rainbow across the sky. I took a few photos like many other people who were standing there enjoying the sight. Every time when I see rainbow, it reminds me of so many of my fond memories. I call myself a rainbow lover.  I used to live in a small town along Poyang Lake in southern part of China . Back then the sky is blue , the air is crispy fresh. Many spring storms and rainy days ended up with beautiful sight of rainbows on the sky--one of my most unforgettable memories. 
In the late 80's when I was studying in Boston, I met a very nice couple ( Tom and Hilda) who immigrated to US in their twenties . They took me under their wings like family member, invited me over each and every important holidays, such as Thanksgiving ,Christmas, or even weekends . They are a very devoted Catholic couple ( Tom was one of the elders of the church). 
One day after heavy rain, we came out to the yard, looking up , we saw this gorgeous rainbow across the horizon. We were totally taken away by this beautiful sight, enjoying and admiring it. Tom asked me if I understood the meaning of Rainbow. He then told me the story of Noah. Remember , every time you see rainbow , that is the covenant from God to Man, Tom said to me, God promised that he would not destroy us , he was trying to wipe out the evils from the earth. Tom 's voice echoes until today. 

It has been twenty some  years ago since my conversation with Tom in Boston , every time I see rainbow, I remember the covenant of God to  Man and to me!   The covenant of God's love has carried me through many stormy days in the past many years.  I call myself a Rainbow lover. Now that you read my story, every time you see rainbow, remember that is the covenant of HIS love to you!

By Dreamcatcher 3/5/14 11pm


这两天加州南湾终于下雨☔️了,我的女儿卓怡大清早睁开眼睛,听见雨声,开心了。我也终于送了口气,可以安心用水洗澡、洗脸、刷牙。前些日子,我一进浴室,她每次都紧跟不放、不让我多用水,叨叨不停的----加州面临严重缺水、要节约等等、让我想起我妈妈了,小时候多是我妈唠叨我、时代真是变了! 不听她的话,她就将我正放着的水龙头干脆关了。 嗨、这下好了、大雨倾盆而下,不用太担心加州缺水和女儿的唠叨了。马桶也可以理直气壮的冲了。可惜,刚高兴一会儿,就收到两位房客电话,房顶漏雨了。马上又的去解决漏雨问题。☎️电话打给我的roofer ,他已经忙的焦头烂额。好了、到底那样问题更严重呢? 想了想、还是解决缺水问题比较重要。我家中的环保小姐高兴也很重要。 高兴的女儿才有高兴的妈妈。??
In the morning, Zoe woke up so happy as it has been raining over the night. California needs water, Mommy! Zoe has been telling me how bad of a drought California is facing, you can't waste water, Mommy, ok? She follows me whenever I am in the bathroom using water ---brush my teeth, take a shower, flush toilet , she would warn me not to use too much water each time. OMG, it drove me nuts, I couldn't even take a shower peacefully , it actually makes me feel real guilty to take a shower over 5 mins. This does remind me of my mom when I was young-- you shouldn't do this , you should do that etc . How things have changed , now I am the mom ,but my daughter keeps telling me what I should and shouldn't do!  Finally rain started, but I got two calls about leaking roof from my tenants , too bad! I called my roofer who was totally crazily dealing with many leaking roofs in the last couple of days since rain. It makes me wonder ---which is worse? California drought or leaking roof? I still go with California drought , at least rain solves  my daughter Zoe's worry and she is happy. Happy daughter makes a happy Mom! 
By Dreamcatcher 2/28/2014




我是一个在人们印象中很外向的人。 也许我非常喜欢学习,尤其是在和不同人的交往和谈话中学习各种新的思想、了解不同人的人生经历,学习她人的优良品德和好的生活方式、习惯等等。三人之行必有我师、两人之行也有我师。但是、我也及其注重独处。近来,我发现我越来越享受独处时的宁静与和谐。星期六忙碌一天, 一人坐在法国餐厅享受一人晚餐,安安静静,太享受了!然后,一人走进电影院,买上一包爆米花, 津津有味的开始欣赏近期最佳影片。也许我一直有朋友陪我享受美味佳肴,和我那电影迷的孩子们一起看电影, 突然要培养一人独处,成为天马行空、独往独来,刚开始也有一些别扭,不习惯。几次下来,我有意识锻炼自己不但坦然独处,而且还要真正的享受这种生活方式、突然间,我意识到, 无论过什么样的生活,独处的时光给我带来了身心灵的安息和充电,让我在繁琐,嘈杂的环境中,心灵得到完全的休息,也给了我对人生有更多时间思索,冥想、同时获得了不少灵感。

独处对于精神上的益处同样也反映在身体上。当我每天早上将整整一小时花在锻炼身体上时,我心里感慨万分。我如此爱自己才会将一日最宝贵的时光来关照自己的身体呀。 有时当我感到身体有些不适,尤其有感冒症状时,马上熬汤-姜汤、鸡汤,什么曾经在哪看到的林丹妙药全用上,喝完就进入睡眠状态,一睡方休噢!也不管天黑还是天亮,一直睡到一切感冒症状消失。一般感冒要一星期才好, 我一天就将瘟神送走了。想想,独处的自由多好。
我很喜欢一本书-大海赠给的礼物-Gift From The Sea (作者是Anne Morrow Lindbergh)。她有家有孩子,但每年她会独自出门旅行一个月,让自己有些独处的时光。这本书是作者独自出游的一段时间里写的。 她每天在海边散步,随意拾到一些五光十色的贝壳。她将每枚贝壳身上的花纹仔细察看,将她在每粒贝壳身上得到灵感和对人生的启示写成了这本书。书中特别提到女人要有独处的时光来充电自己和反思人生,以便以更佳的身体和精神面貌来经营一个家或自己的人生。她自己每年离家出走一个月( 她称为sabbatical leave 公休假,也就是从为人之妻为人之母的责任中休假)。我们不都是需要这样一短一人独处的时光吗? 
当我独自听着美妙的音乐,读着自己挚爱的书,写着内心深处的感受,时间在宁静中划过,我的身心灵得到极大的安慰、我的思路伴着音乐将我带到语言无法表达的境界。感谢神将独处的时光赐给我, 让我度过了又一个美好的一天!

By Dreamcatcher 2/16/14 noon

我做梦也没有想到我那没有浪漫情调的父亲竟然选择如此浪漫的日子离开世界, 那是2012年的情人节!
我们无法选择来到世界的日子, 是否真的有能力选择离开的日子呢?我一直对此迷惑不解。
我姐姐是个及其孝顺的女儿。自从父亲去世以来,每年情人节,她都会为他做周年纪念,给他烧香,祈祷,在他灵位前为他摆上美味佳肴,我父亲一定高兴啊。 他是个及其欣赏美食的人。可我呢,做不了任何实际的事情,动动笔,将我的感情表达出来吧。人的本性也是难改,小时候,我和姐姐分工已定。她永远是干实事,我只会在我爸爸面前甜言蜜语,哄他开心,我也成了他永远的宝贝小女儿。如今, 还是如此!
我虽然不是学理工科的, 但还记得有个物质不灭定律,我将它理解为灵魂不灭定律, 不相信无神论者的人死如灯灭的理论。我的父亲的灵一定在一个美好的地方安息等待。他卸下了84 年在人间的重担,带着我们对他的爱❤️,安息了,亲爱的父亲!

By Dreamcatcher 2:14/14