
US Choral Society-104255  05/07   3196  



2017-05-08 CNN 美国大视野


妮可·库什纳·梅耶星期六和星期天分别在北京和上海出席了两场投资移民活动。妮可的哥哥是总统的白宫高级顾问。梅耶在北京一家酒店对100多潜在的中国投资者分享了新泽西中央大厦的市场潜力。该项目包括两座66层大厦、近1500套公寓,总值高达9亿7600万美元。 妮可·库什纳·梅耶称,这一项目“对我和我的整个家族意义重大”。








Kushner family in Beijing: 'Invest $500,000 and immigrate' to US

The EB-5 visa has been used by the Trump and Kushner family businesses. Foreigners, particularly wealthy Chinese nationals, have used the EB-5 program as a ticket into the states. And that promise has helped attract foreign investments for U.S. real estate projects.

President Trump has taken an anti-immigration stance and vowed to severely tighten the use of work visas. The EB-5 program has come under fire by members of Congress on both sides of the aisle.

Lawmakers say the program essentially sells citizenship to high-income foreigners.

On Saturday, potential investors in the Kushner project were told they should act quickly because possible policy changes to the EB-5 program might raise the required minimum investment.

Nicole Kushner Meyer also told the crowd how her grandfather immigrated to the United States and built a business from the ground up.

And she mentioned Jared's new position in the White House -- though there were no overt references to President Trump.

"In 2008, my brother Jared Kushner joined the family company as CEO, and recently moved to Washington to join the administration," she said.

Jared Kushner serves as an influential senior adviser to the president. Trump has at various times said he would lead or play a key role in many policy areas from foreign affairs to business innovation.

The event was meant to draw investors for 1 Journal Square, a $976.4 million residential and commercial project underway in New Jersey. The company says about 15% of it will be funded through the EB-5 program.

Jared Kushner has stepped away from the business since taking a key role in Trump's White House.

His attorney, Blake Roberts, said Kushner is not involved in the operation of Kushner Companies and divested his interests in the Journal Square project by selling them to a family trust that he, his wife and his children are not beneficiaries of, which was suggested by the Office of Government Ethics.

"As previously stated, he will recuse from particular matters concerning the EB-5 visa program," Roberts said in a statement.

The Beijing event, which was organized by Chinese immigration agency Qiaowai, was open to the public.

Reporters from the Washington Post and the New York Times attended but said they were later asked to leave.

Kushner Companies declined to comment. Qiaowai could not be immediately reached for comment.

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