
Cindy薛藤校-102360  04/02   2403  

Dear Kristina,

Thank you for all your help these four years.

You have inspired me to find my purpose of existence and leave a positive and unique mark in this world. With your persistent support, I was able to not only deepen my profound interest in medicine, but also develop a more welcoming and empathetic character. I am no longer the girl that solely describes myself as quiet the first time we met, but have evolved into a confident, independent, and compassionate individual.

I am exceptionally grateful to be accepted into Emory because learning there exposes me to both scientific and artistic knowledge and experiences. In my future years of studies at Emory, I will continue to pursue my passions in both medicine and cosplay. I hope my acceptance also proves to you that cosplay is not as taboo as the perception you had about it, and it can actually grant me success as a character-building hobby.

I hope you will get better and give birth to a beautiful baby.

Have a wonderful Christmas. Dearest Louise,
First, let me say that I believe Emory is a very fortunate institution to be welcoming such a dynamic character and deep spirit such as yourself. I am so proud of you and all that you have achieved, and I am sure that this is only the beginning.

Your life is about to be changed so profoundly in ways you cannot imagine. Emory is a top school and I am sure you are going to meet people unlike those you have ever met before and come across opportunities that will be life-shaping. Oh yeah, and the academics will be incredibly challenging, my classes will look like kindergarten in comparison - you will soon know what I have been trying to prepare you for.

Please keep in mind that my best friend from Hamilton College has become a neurologist at UPENN. I remember how important internships were for her med school applications and overall journey to becoming an MD. Make sure you stay in touch with me every once in awhile during your time at Emory so if there are any connections I can make for you in the future I can try.

As for your commitment to cosplay - I know that all passionate spirits need some weird, creative hobby. I grew up in a very white, industrial, anti-intellectual suburb outside of Toronto where liking books and writing was as weird and unusual as cosplay. I was seen as the weirdo. So don't worry, I get it and I hope it continues to fuel your creativity and give you joy.

In the New Year, I would like to make time to sit down with you over coffee (or bubble tea, whatever the hell you kids drink) and congratulate you in person and talk about the future.

My deepest congratulations and thank you so much for your kind words. Teaching students like you gives me more than joy, it gives me purpose.

All the best and have a wonderful holiday break. Oh yeah, and get reading!