英文的小词大用(3)-写给读ESL的爸爸妈妈by Cindy薛

Cindy薛藤校-102360  02/12   2480  

实际上英文的写作水平如同任何一种语言的写作一样主要还是看思想,如何条理清晰地组织思想是根本,语言只是工具而已。对于一个中国人来讲,英文写作最后较量的是一个人的中文写作水平。下面是26个英文字母最后几个最简单的动词,say, tell,use,value,walk,yell,zip1。What you do matters more than what you say. (行动远比说辞重要)。 2。To know how much one loves you, look at his/her eyes which tell you all. (想知道一个人有多爱你,看Ta的眼睛,一切都在那里)。 3。Some play the piano with their heart while others with their brain . Love and marriage follow the same pattern . One loves with heart while one uses brain to manage marriage. (一些人用心在弹钢琴而另外一些人是用脑在弹。爱情和婚姻也是一样。一个人是用心在爱与此同时是用大脑在经营婚姻)。4。That values the most is usually the least expensive or never bought .(最有价值的通常是最不昂贵的或者是根本买不到的)5。It is really your heart that can walk you through the most beautiful and everlasting moments in life .(人生最美妙永恒的瞬间是随心召唤的)6。Yelling at your kids or your partner can not solve any problems .(对孩子或者你的老公或者老婆乱喊乱叫一点不解决问题)7。Gossips among "friends " hurt, so zip your mouth and stuff your ears to be safe and peaceful if you have to be around gossips.(来自所说的朋友间的八卦是伤人的,所以当迫不得已置身八卦时闭紧嘴巴塞住耳朵可以确保无恙无扰)。写作可以从写句子开始,给孩子给老公老婆给自己留些瞬间的心语,算是来点儿精神食粮,过段时间拿起来读一读,会有种wow的感觉:这是我写的吗?我太有才了!GSS(新东方)教育微信1-604-889-4290