勿忘初衷20:要求 Beckel 换岗对其也是保护请到 http://www.firebobbeckel.com/ 选择"Email to Sponsors"来填表

一朵浪花-1086  07/30   9931  

为什么我们 要求Mr. Beckel 换岗? 因为他在公共平台上扇动仇恨,对孩子对社会舆论造成恶劣的影响。 如果我们一笑置之。导致他们随便辱骂华裔不用付出代价,那么这种论调就会越来越普遍,会培养起美国民众对华人的恐惧感和反感。等到出现种族屠杀、排华法案危机的时候,再想扭转恐怕就来不及了。要求Mr. Beckel 换岗, 对Mr. Beckel也是一种保护。避免他犯更多的错误。比较前不久的案例,Sterling made racist comments privately. Three days after the scandal is out, Sterling has been banned for life by the NBA in response 。 Sterling is immediately barred from attending NBA games or practices, being present at any Clippers office or facility, or participating in any business or player personnel decisions involving the team. He also cannot participate in any league business going forward. Sterling also was fined $2.5 million。A lawsuit certainly seems possible.
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