Millburn Chinese VS Bob Beckel

Jack-703  07/23   5490  

—————  2014-7-22  —————
Today, I saw an MSN poll regarding FOX TV's Bob Beckel's comments on Chinese people. Up to July 22, 10:30am, the poll results was 33% in favor of him to resign, and 42% in favor of him to not resign. This result reflects the reality worth thinking and discussing about. In the mean time, please spend a minute to take the MSN survey. Voice your opinion.
Press the right arrow five times, you will see this poll : #6/10. choose your answer, click "vote", then view result.
Xi3:17 PM
voted。I just think he is a crown

mi3:33 PM
Voted. It is poll #6. Should be an option to fire him.

mi3:34 PM
35% to 42% now. It is a shame. Time to take actions

so3:47 PM

so4:30 PM
It is so easy to vote! Friends and neighbors, vote for your right, vote for your children's future. After vote, post it here, just say "voted"! Show we care, show we can learn, show we can change, show we will be united! 散沙可建成雄伟的城市和国家,sand can become concrete and build dignity! If we could not achieve this in our self, but , with effort and actions from everyone of us, our kids , our next generation will make it! I see that! I see that!!! It did not take that long for black people to stand on their feet firmly, today! Dr. Martin Luther king Junior's wife just passed away two years ago and Dr. King's legacy will live forever......
Ox4:34 PM
Just voted. Almost even now. I first heard this controversy when I was visiting in China. Unfortunately, most websites covering this was blocked by the Chinese government. It's quite an irony. 

so 4:39 PM
Ox:Thumbs Up

so4:41 PM
转发! Forward! Let us forward this link often to make it easier for people to vote. 

Ox4:42 PM
Don Sterling complained about his girlfriend bringing "black people" to his box in Clippers stadium in a private phone conversation. The Major League thinks he is a racist and he was kicked out of the league. Bob Beckel used a racial slur in a nationwide TV show and call all people with Chinese ancestry the biggest threat. Somehow Fox News still thinks he is still OK to be a host. WTF. 

mi4:44 PM
Exactly, the double standard is partially due to inaction of most of our fellow Chinese.

so4:47 PM
Let us find solutions.

Ox4:49 PM
We should run an ad on NYT or WSJ, putting Sterling's and Beckel's head shots side by side, with caption like "guess whose offense is more serious and whose punishment is more severe?" Or "America, quit your double standards!"

mi4:50 PM
#6 poll, vote to let you voice heard.

mi4:50 PM
Now resign vote 42 vs. Not resign 37%

so4:51 PM
We can build an organization with payed membership. We can do fund raising and it is not as hard as you imagined because I did it . 

Ta4:53 PM
Voted. Yes, he should resign.

so4:53 PM
Ox: wonderful ideas!

so4:58 PM
We can hire a quality lawyer as a general council for monthly consultation and telephone inquiries for $5000 or so annual fee

so 5:09 PM
Any payed member can attend routine legal Q & A seminar,  may have a chance to consult from the lawyer, will be informed anonymous on going consultation with limit, learn from other people's case how to say and do to create public image, how to protect, how to kill with kindness, fight for your own right within legal limit . Etc. 

so5:20 PM
While we loved our generous, kind, forgiving american people, appreciated our democracy and freedom life here, from time to time, we felt we were brushed off like a dust, if we got onto somebody's way. We, Chinese kept quiet, as if we still live in China

so 5:27 PM
But this is America! We have constitution! Our founding fathers built a great system of equality for everyone! It is up to us, Chinese, Chinese Americans, ABCs, to choose to live with dignity or not ! 

so5:33 PM
Jewish made for themselves, black too, Korean the same. Chinese history can be changed! It is different era! 

le 5:44 PM
Just voted

so5:44 PM
It is time, it is time for every Chinese fellow to act , take the first step, start with something small, vote #6, pay ~$50 annual membership fee to have a quality lawyer to stand by you everyday. Just by the presence of a lawyer, they will treat us with respect, watch their mouth, hide that won't be easy, there is no short cut either. little by little, one day, not too long, 水到渠成,everything come together nicely, we , Chinese descendant, can earn our respect, live with dignity and enjoy peace of mind

so6:00 PM
In china, We grew up to accept what our government arranged for us , teachers taught us, parents told us, and we are great at memorize them....... But, respect and dignity never come by memorization and keeping quiet. Anywhere in the world, people have to do and earn their respect . 

so 6:03 PM
Time to change! New era! New world! New wave! Can we Chinese do it?! Vote #6! 

so 6:11 PM
It is encouraging: Now resign vote 49%vs. Not resign 32%

so 6:15 PM
During Korean economic crisis in 1998, all Korean donated gold jewelries, including Sentimental valued jewelries handed down from great grand parents. 

mi 6:20 PM
Voted yes

Any Korean will feel shamed if she would dare to wear a piece of gold jewelry which were owned before crisis.That is how Korean escaped from the economic crisis which many western countries didn't. I heard this from my Korean friend. That is the spirit . What else I need to say? .......1 min vote, ~$50 even less annual membership fee for a lawyer, ......

ap 6:26 PM
Voted YES!

so6:28 PM
ap : thank you! You encouraged me to say more

ap 6:30 PM
Thumbs Up

Go6:33 PM
Only 5260 votes. 50% Yes so far. 

Di 6:37 PM

Xi6:43 PM
Yes he should!

so6:50 PM
Who wouldn't say we are the lucky one living in the richest city in America? Who else can deny that we have our chance to make a difference for our self and our children, because we also lives in a city that many honorable Chinese leaders lead us to ABC , Times Square and stood up for us in CNN in front of the world? 

so6:50 PM
Xi:Thank you

wi6:52 PM
Voted yes!

so 6:53 PM
Wi: Shake your hand

Xi7:02 PM
To Mr. Beckel


Mr. Beckel
Dig a hole
Back into it
You ought to go

Succeed or explode
The railroad
We were to build
Through mountains and tunnels
Little pay, no girl

Compile or complicate
The I-superhighway code
Along the East and West Coasts
Young to old
Hair to bald

You might have no heart
We do have decent souls
There is no room for such stupidity
When the world is a whole

Mr. Beckel, pay your toll
Regain your conscience
And make it told


so7:03 PM
Let us rally
One average Chinese after another average Chinese 
One leader after another leader, 
Old and young, 
Stand out
Stand up 
Hold hands together
Earn our respect

Ji7:11 PM

so 7:19 PM
If law can't remove Bob Beckel, Ji, thank you, then,  with a paid professional attorney by our side, We shall make publicity to remove BB kind! 

We can do it ! 
We shall overcome ! 
Let's roll!