多伦多大学商学院申请要求by 薛老师

Cindy薛藤校-102360  11/04   2654  

多伦多大学商学院今年的申请要求已经出笼,除学业成绩外,申请文书和面试都是现场限时写作和口头陈述。写作第一篇20分钟当场写,题目提前给出了;第二篇现场30分钟写完,题目当场给出即兴完成;接下来是现场对着电脑屏幕面试。不太简单哦。 UBC的文书题目有点多有点不好写。1. Explain how you responded to a problem and/or an unfamiliar situation. What did you do, what was the outcome, and what did you learn from the experience? (maximum 200 words)

2. We frequently work in groups that are diverse in terms of culture, experiences, personalities and skills. What have you found to be the most difficult part of reaching agreements and achieving goals when working in such groups? How did you manage it? Please provide a specific example. (maximum 200 words)

3. BCom Video Interview: Save your application progress now by clicking save. To access the BCom Video Interview, please copy and paste http://www.sauder.ubc.ca/bcomvideointerview into a new browser and carefully follow all of the instructions listed at the website. Log out of the UBC online application and close all other browsers before recording your video responses. After you've recorded answers to the formal interview questions, you must copy, paste, and save the unique URL address provided for your responses into the field below before submitting your application; late submissions will not be accepted. Your unique URL will be provided to you on the final confirmation page of the BCom Video Interview website and by email. (maximum 200 words)

4. Tell us about an experience, in school or out, that taught you something about yourself and/or the world around you. (maximum 200 words)

5. Be it inside or outside of the classroom, what have you done to challenge yourself intellectually? Describe an issue, topic or area of study that you have investigated or pursued. (maximum 200 words)

6.Describe up to five activities that you have pursued in one or more of the following areas… Please outline the activity and describe how it affected you or others.
leadership/group contributions (e.g., student government, community activity, family responsibility; involvement in Aboriginal culture or community)
academic achievements (e.g., research project; success in a contest; prize for high standing)
sports (e.g., team membership; participation in competitions)
creative and performing arts
service to others

7.Tell us more about one of the activities you listed above by explaining what your goals were, the role you played, and what you learned in the process. (maximum 200 words)

8. Additional Information: Applicants may wish to explain why they want to study their particular program at UBC. (maximum 100 words) GSS(新东方)微信:1-604-889_4290