An Amazing Intelligent Chinese American Talks of Her Political Views
Maggie Tian-911 07/02 67014.5/34
以下对话是我跟LA一位20岁来美,在美生活超过20年,并在白人公司做高管的王女士一周前所进行的一段对话。该对话历时近六个小时,由于内容太长,我只摘抄了她对于政府, 政客和选举的部分看法。我认为,这位华人朋友是少有的,具备独立思考能力,能抓住问题本质,并会沟通的人。为此,我把这段对话整理出来,希望给有心人带来一点点启发。
在本次对话中,王女士谈到自己长期做义工的感受,对黑人在历史上为我们这些colored people 开路的感恩,和一个负责任的政治家所应该有的态度(必须要能听得进对方的意见和想法)。同时,她表达了自己“按感兴趣的议题选举,而非按照党派,或者按race来选举”的原则。她提到,我们的政府需要补充“管理者”,而不是“立法者”。目前的政府之所以表现如此令人失望,问题基本出在“管理不善”上。而两党全都缺乏行动力。计划即使制定得再好,因为管理不好,实施不利,结果都是难以令人满意的。因此,她认为政府也应该像私企一样,建立一套有效的奖惩机制,凡做出错误决定的政客需要承担相应的后果和责任,而不是像现在这样好的,不好的,全在一口大锅里蹭饭吃。
她指出,作为美国华人,我们最应该做到的三件事是:1. 要投票; 2. 要凭良知投票;3. 投票应着眼于长期利益,而非短期利益。
- @maggietianchina dear, I've been volunteer at MEND since college. My parents volunteers in other venues since my dad retired.
- @maggietianchina thanks, but really I'm rewarded the most from the volunteer experiences. The neighborhood I go to is mostly Latino Americans. When helping the kids learn, i am grateful for having grown up in an environment of intellecturals. I am grateful for having the means to help others.
- Dear, u volunteered for a party. Not right or wrong. A fact. When volunteered for a political party, u have to have a political agenda.
- Dear, bi-partisan. U should see how democrats are treated in other parts of the country: 2 wrongs don't make it right.
- Dear, my whole family is registered Republicans. And we're disappointed by the party. Don't assume we're always right. Most importantly don't put down others just because we're doing sth right.
- Dear, Chinese Americans account for 3.6%, Asian 14.9%, and Hispanic 37.6% of the California population, not voters. Both parties please to their target voters and groups of interests.
- The rule of voting- 1 Vote. 2 Vote with morality. #3 Vote for long term, not short gains.
- The country is divided almost 50R - 50D. And that diving line is getting wider and wider. And that's the obligations of the political parties and politicians. 55% over 45% is not winning.
- Dear, a responsible politician in this country needs to listen to the other side. Both parties are responsible for the political stalemate today. For the worsening of the Congress.
- Yet no party has owned up and acknowledged their parts. Instead they point finger at the other side. Or worse blame the voters for their inadequacy.
- I vote for the subject matters, not either party.
- Both parties need to model the behavior. And rid of the dirty politicians in their parties.
maggietianchina- "You are all right. Please write the above to the leaders of the two parties. Let them know your opinion."
- I have. Our family has. Dear, u know very well both parties know the public's opinions of them.
maggietianchina- "I will write to them as well. We need more bold Chinese fellows to show our honesty, integrity, and love-caring characteristics. I actually have criticized the two party politicians for many times. I will continue doing that. Please keep doing, trying, writing, and posting. Let me share your inspiring thoughts. Do you like to open your letter as a sample to guide others how to write powerful letters to politicians?"
- I will share my next letter. BUT I think it's irresponsible to keep demanding more out of voters. It's like a Company asking for customer feedbacks without doing anything. This country does not need more letters from voters. It needs more actions from the parties and politicians.
- This country needs to hold the elected politicians accountable for their decisions. There's no consequence to these politicians when the government performs bad.
And that's the root of the problem of our political situation.
maggietianchina- "Truth hurts most times, but I insist to tell truth. I encourage you to do the same."
- Dear, Truth doesn't hurt. Not telling the truth hurts.
- "I agree with you. Bad politicians who made bad decisions should be punished."
- Dear, I encourage you to tell the truth. Even if u'r a politician, I'm sure you'll strive to be a good one.
- Dear, you have great charisma. An article from you mentioned u were of political science major. I very much wish you the best in the pursuit of your passions.
- Bill O'Reilly, our family loves him. He's passionate about politics. He's a conservative. He reaches out and proactively keeps the dialogues open with the liberals. He presents facts, no spin. And he does not disrespect or insult people with different views. May he be your inspirations?
- Politics are as necessary as legality. Some dirty politicians are responsible for the public' cold feet towards political affairs.
- Politicians can't "shame" the voters to vote. They need to earn the voters back thru actions. The good politicians know. The bad politicians choose to believe the majority of the voters are not smart / can be easily manipulated.
- I'll vote for the one whose views I shall, not of racial background or political party.
- Chinese 3.6% of California pollution, 1.2% of US population. First accept the reality: Chinese voters do not matter in the strict sense of voting. The parties love our contributions, $$$ and time invested. I don't criticize it though. Election needs $$$ and is a number game. Just don't fall for politicians stating otherwise. Truth doesn't hurt. Lies hurt / are insulting to our intelligence.
maggietianchina- “How do you vote as an individual?"
- Subjects that I care. I'm a business person, so don't expect me to care about every subject.
maggietianchina- "What subjects do you care?"
- The top 3: Tax, health, education.
California taxation is ridiculous. Healthcare: we have good health care system that is poorly managed.
maggietianchina- "True. Then who can we count on influencing the California taxation? Do you like the Obamacare?"
- No. But not for some fanatic republicans' reasons. I don't support Obamacare because it'd be a nightmare for managing.
- In a nutshell, I support Affirmative Action. Can you explain the origins and vision of Affirmative Action as an American, not a Chinese American?
- If it were left to the Chinese Americans, we'd still live in a society that segregates legally, white and colored, e.g., couldn't buy the properties of good communities even we had the money.
- Asians debate it mostly because some Asians don't know the American history, and somehow feel superior to African Americans and Hispanics. Some Asians are racists.
- I believe the Affirmative Actions is also a management matter. It needs to be enhanced, so it won't eliminate the merits factor. All things need to be improved. Again it's an execution matter.
- Abandoning Affirmative Action is of not having the courage to tell or accept the truth: Discrimination still exists in this society.
- Discrimination will exist in various forms in any society. Hence, we need to have the laws to manage them.
maggietianchina- "What law can force people stop discriminating?"
- Manage, not stopping. The Civil Right Acts of 1964. And many others. Dear, we owe our great livings to those good politicians.