华裔的自己人:大卫 哈德利

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如果说Catharine Baker是2014北加华裔的传奇的话,David Hadley就是南加华裔的传奇之一。在2014年成功阻击SCA5之后,华裔社区调动了大量人力物力为几个关键的议员助选,有力地改变了一党独大的局面,暂时避免了SCA5卷土重来。2016大选在望,我们再次面临极为严峻的局面,众议院和参议院好几个席位纷纷告急。


【TOC在行动】“昨晚9月8日周四傍晚,加州第66选区众议院现任议员、参选人David Hadley召集亚裔选民代表见面会在其Torrance竞选总部开始。见面会在轻松温情的气氛中进行。

加州众议院第66选区涵盖Torrance, Palos Verde, Manhattan Beach等洛杉矶南湾城市,该选区的亚裔选民超过20%,现任众议院议员为David Hadley。演讲中David Hadley对于华人助选义工不吝溢美之词。早在2014年我们南加的华裔草根义工组织金橙俱乐部TOC曾经发动义工为其倾情助选,助其2014年以微弱优势当选第66区国会议员!最终的选举结果,仅赢706票当选。把当时并不被各方看好的David Hadley成功地推送进加州参议院。


对于理念一致并帮助过我们华人社区的David Hadley,金橙俱乐部TOC将一如既往倾力支持!David Hadley反对SCA5大学招生考虑种族肤色,反对AB1726种族法案对亚裔细分,并在8月29日对修改后的亚裔细分法案AB1726仍然不支持,投了弃权票!他是我们华裔核心利益的捍卫者,更是人人平等理念的坚定支持者!今年大选,第66区的华裔选民完全可能成为该选区决定胜负的关键力量。我们一起努力!”



【小花絮】“昨晚David Hadley和亚裔选民见面会气氛热烈。和David看到这么多亚裔leaders and volunteers,讲话几度哽咽, 热泪盈眶。和2014相比,亚裔更多样化,尤其是有日裔站出来了。David Hadley的团队更有战斗力!

David和他夫人Susan见到TOC的人就握手拥抱,说应该把TOC命名为706 Club, 因为2014他以多于对手706票获胜。



“南加參院Ling Ling Chang,眾議院Young Kim及David Hadley及北加眾議院Catherine Baker等席位是我們2014年力挺選上的。這些席位都是今年的targets。我们一定要使出洪荒之力保住这些得来不易的席位啊!不然我们前面的努力:2014反SCA5、2016阻击AB1726全都是白费力气了!”

2014年TOC和南加亚裔众志成城,帮助David Hadley竞选成功,上图是当时的照片。

David Hadley’s Bio 简介 Assemblyman David Hadley was elected to represent the 66th Assembly District (the South Bay) in November 2014. Born and raised in Fullerton, he attended Servite High School in Anaheim. David completed his Bachelor’s degree at Dartmouth College and his Master’s degree at the London School of Economics. 众议员David Hadley,大卫·哈德利,于2014年11月当选代表大会第66区(南湾)。大卫在富勒顿出生和长大,毕业于阿纳海姆市(Anaheim) Servite高中。在达特茅斯念大学并获得学士学位,并在伦敦政治经济学院获得硕士学位。

David and his wife Suzanne moved to the South Bay eighteen years ago and in 1999 he founded Hadley Partners, Incorporated. (HPi). HPi is a financial advisory firm that specializes in representing entrepreneurial and family-owned businesses in the financing or sale of their companies. Since its founding, HPi has advised well over 100 businesses. HPi clients have created thousands of jobs in part due to the help that David and his colleagues provided. 大卫和他的妻子苏珊(Suzanne)十八年前搬到南湾。1999年,他创办了哈德利合作伙伴公司(Hadley Partners, Incorporated , HPI)。HPI是一家金融咨询公司,主要业务是代表企业和家族企业的融资或出售。自成立以来,为超过100家企业提供咨询。HPI在大卫和同僚的带领下下为客户创造了数以千计的就业机会。 

David chose to get involved in local politics, and ultimately to run for the California State Assembly, because while California continues to enjoy tremendous opportunities, we will be the first generation in the history of California to leave this state to our children in more precarious condition than we received it from our parents if we do not pursue common sense policies. David is committed to ensuring that his children, and you and your children and grandchildren, have the same opportunities to build your futures in California that David and his brothers and sisters did. California can once again be the Golden State. David is committed to fight for every resident in the South Bay who is working to provide for his or her family, and to fight for every family that wants to make sure their children receive a quality education. 虽然加州基础雄厚,但是如果我们不用常识制定政策,就会史无前例的把加州带向衰落,。大卫意识到这个现状,决定参与到当地政坛,并竞选州众议员,让加州还有机会再次成为金色加州。大卫承诺确保每一个孩子都有自己的机会建设加州的未来,并为南湾的每一个居民获得高质量的教育而奋斗。

David and his wife Suzanne have been married for over 22 years and they are the proud parents of four children. Their 19-year-old son, Jack, is a cadet at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Their three daughters are Claire (17), Ellen (15) and Faith (13). Claire and Ellen are students at Mira Costa High School and Faith attends Manhattan Beach Middle School. 大卫和他的妻子苏珊已经结婚22年了,他们很骄傲她们有四个孩子。19岁的儿子杰克,是美国西点军校的学生。三个女儿都克莱尔(17),艾伦(15)和菲丝(13)。克莱尔和艾伦在米拉科斯塔读高中和菲丝在曼哈顿海滩读初中。 

David coached Little League softball and baseball, and has spent time on most of the soccer, baseball and softball fields of the South Bay. Suzanne is responsible for the Hadley kids’ musical instruction. 大卫并花了很多的时间陪伴孩子们体足球,打棒球和垒球,是小联盟垒球和棒球队的教练 。苏珊负责哈德利孩子们的音乐指导。 

David and Suzanne are active in their local community, including supporting the Manhattan Beach Education Foundation and MBX (formerly the Manhattan Beach Athletic Foundation). In 2013 David founded the South Bay 100, a group of over 175 people dedicated to improving the political leadership of the South Bay. In 2011-2012, David was a regular contributor of opinion articles to the editorial pages of the Daily Breeze, the Daily News and the Long Beach Press-Telegram. The Hadley family attends Journey of Faith Church. Suzanne is a Neighborhood Watch Block Captain and was the Volunteer Chair of Circle of Love Pre-School at First Lutheran Church. 大卫和苏珊在本地社区非常活跃,一直支持曼哈顿海滩教育基金会和MBX(原曼哈顿海滩体育基金会)。2013年大卫创办了南湾100 (South Bay 100),一个有175个成员,致力于改善南湾的政治领导小组 。在2011- 2012年期间,大卫是每日微风,每日新闻和长滩新闻电报的社论版评论文章的定期撰稿人。哈德利参加信仰之旅家庭教会 。苏珊是一个邻里守望队(Neighborhood Watch Block)主席,是一路德教会爱学前教育圈(Love Pre-School)的义工主席。