Maggie Tian-911 06/27 54944.5/29
By Maggie Tian Jun. 26th. Someone found the truth about the Democrat Zhao Yan. I support Rishi Kumar, referred by another FB friend and Chuck Page, the Indian fighter againsts the teacher's union with courage and integrity. This fellow folk also supports Chuck Page for he telling truth rather than pleasing voters. Below is his finding and Analysis-
"I don't know Yan Zhao personally. As Chinese American live in Saratoga, I would like to support her candidacy for Saratoga City Council. However, after I checked her endorsement, I am very disappointed. One of her endorser, Dede Smullen is very liberal and staunch supporter of SCA5. I argued with Dede on Redwood Middle School Parent list on SCA 5. I also know Rishi Kumar who is also running for city council. Rishi is very active fighter for students against teacher's union. Rishi is endorsed by Chuck Page. I can understand that Yan might against SCA 5. If she doesn't have courage to declare this on her website, how can we trust that she will speak out for us when she get into office? "
"One thing to add: both Rishi Kumar and Yan Zhao are Democrats. I can support both of them since there are three seats available this time and city council is a non-partisan office. I still wish Yan can declare her opposition to SCA 5. I can invite Rishi to my house for a meet and greet if enough folks are interested. Rishi and I fought together on reduced class room hours I'm SUSD."
Click Zhao Yan's website to see her endorsements at www.yanforcouncil.org