Maggie Tian-911 06/25 73774.5/29
by Maggie Tian and Johnson Choi Jun. 26, 2014 Silicon Valley
1. 通过各种方式把人联系起来,不管住在哪里,说什么语言,先取得联系再说。在各种联系中,以面对面的直接联系成本最高,但是效果最好。
2. 把人一层层,一级级地组织起来,从基层到高层开展有组织有计划的管理,跨越宗教,乡亲,党派,受教育程度甚至种族的界限。
3. 对选民进行必要的培训和教育,传播正确的观念和思维方式,使人们一点点转向为高感性,高接触,高能量的人群。不要再做活死人!
First step, get people connected through all sorts of media that you feel like. No matter what language people speak, where people live , get them contact first and them follow up.
Second step, get people organized across religion, home village, education level, party, and race. Organization is the KEY to make the whole project carry out.
Third, get people around you trained and educated with right concepts making them high touch, high concept, high energy. Then they will spread information to 10 more people to establish and develop our own network. Chinese Americans cannot live like a dead meat anymore!
Plus- if you are tired, or unhappy, with your current network and organization, you can contact the local Republican or Democratic Headquarters to become volunteer. This is an effective way in learning how to serve this great country and make politicians behave well.