全世界第三者联合起来!   ---部分足球笔记

3figs-828  06/19   8653  

全世界第三者联合起来!   ---部分足球笔记
石化(Stonelize?) PingPong,Unpredictability. 
Soccer is a game of the 3rd guys. All the 3rd guys get united!

1. One-touch and 3rd guy
One-touch 不仅是个人技术,更多的是Team play. 
One touch is not only personal skill, but more of team play, higher level of 接应. It at least has 3 players involved. I have been tring my best to be a 3rd guy (踊跃做第三者). When 2nd player is trying to help 1st player, I will run to support to be the 3rd guy: match my timing window to make 2nd guy one-ouch the ball to me. At the same time, I should be ready to one-touch the ball to the next 3rd guy.
Busquets is one of best one-touch player. The highest level of team play is half-touch.
My slogan is: 全世界第三者联合起来.All the 3rd guys get united!
2. Dao3 (倒球)
There are 3 levels of Dao3:
1) No aimless kick by defenders. 
2) Control the midfield through Dao3.
3)Dao3 in front the box.
What is triangle play ? 解套 via Dao3 under pressure. The closer to the box, the more difficult of Dao3.
Why we may feel Barca/Spain boring? They are good at level 1 and level 2 of Dao3, but lack of Dao3 in/front of the box.
3. Dao3 in (front of) the box.
The defender would feel relief if the ball is passed away from the box. Keeping the ball passing around inside the box will drive defenders crazy. The box is the most guarded area, usually the offense is outnumbered. Static positioning won't work. Someone has to run into the box to kick back the ball. Where to kick back also should not be static. Only one touch in (front of) the box. What matters is not the numbers in the box any more, but who touches the moving ball first. Without Dao3 in (front of) the box, soccer will be as boring as Spain vs Portugal in Euro cup.
Is Dao3 in front the box good enough ? No. But let's understand how to Dao3 in front of the box first.

4. Understand "石化" (Make the opponent feel like a stone)
What do you hate most when being a Monkey in Play-Monkey? You step forward to chase the ball, the ball is one-touched away. Your body follows the ball to that direction, but the ball is one-touched back immediately, back and forth. At that right moment, your body got confused. You stood like a stone, even the ball was right in front of your feet, your body refused to touch it.

5. All 3rd guys united.
The 3rd guy needs to get 2nd player's attention when 2nd player is asking the ball from the 1st player. Before/during doing that, the 3rd should have another player in mind to be the receiver of his one-touch. When timing matches correctly, you will always have advantage. All of us should keep alert like a sniper while watching and be ready to jump in as another 3rd guy.

6. ultimate team play is to be 神龙教众, not 教主 or 坛主
形成套路,无须思考,通过快速反复传递造成石化瞬间,防守即被化解于无形. In order to do this, we need to force our mindset willing to be one of 神龙教众 first, not 教主 or 坛主. Practice 阵法 优先, not personal skills, no pursuing of killer pass.
The best part of pursuing ultimate team play is that doing it in pickup games has the similar difficulty as doing it in a real game. It doesn't matter whether the opponent is weak or strong, just imagine the ball as an extremely hot potato and pass it around players. We can keep practicing it any time, and once we get used to it, we will feel that the real game become much easier. 

顺 is a verb. It means that you place the ball to your teammate in such a way that he feel so 顺 that it seems that the ball never leaves his foot. When he appears from another world and the ball is just right on his feet, naturally and smoothly. 

8. Redefine Open.
Open, usually it's related to big space. You need space to stop the ball, space to dribble, space and time to search for killer pass, ....  Such definition doesn't apply to us any more.
We have been pursuing one-touch team play for several years. What we need for Open is just a simple touch: as long as you can touch the ball before the opponents, that is Open, no matter how close and how many opponents are around you. 
What is more important, the area in/front the box is the place where any touch there can cause goalie heart attack. Open in/front of the box is what we should pursue. 
So don't be afraid of passing the ball to the player in the crowd. What you need to do is to support him immediately. And if you are the guy in/front of the box, make you Open in right timing and be prepared to one-touch.

9. How to play creative and unpredictable soccer? PingPong
If you can feel the feeling of being a Stone, you should know that the best soccer is to make the opponents be a stone. Don't hold the ball to find the killer pass, but use the interval when you are not holding the ball to find the killer pass. 
5年前, 当我们看到哈维在中场拿球观察, 感到那是运筹帷幄, 慢慢地, 就发现是因整体配合未跟上的贻误战机, 因为它给了对手调整的时间。一个好的整体打法就是要最大地利用石化瞬间。 
1. 在接球前就已观察好球的下个去处。 
2. 在接球的过程中观察到下个点。
3. 在接球的过程中, 根据同伴的移动调整下个落球点。 
4. 在触球的一刹那给出你的下个接球的位置。 
5. 在触球的瞬间, 根据同伴的反应跑向下个位置。 
6. 在触球的瞬间, 观察到3rd guy的移动, 跑向能接3rd guy的位置, ...., 
7. 还有一点在实战尤其重要, 持球前没有killer pass, 一定把球权交给队友, 不要hold 球去观察, 队友应该在你持球时已观察好了; 如果队友没观察好, 他可以把球做回给你, 而你可利用无球的间隔移动和观察, 这样才能做到不给对方思考的时间。 技术好点球员容易犯的毛病是: 为什么要把球交给技术比我差的? 但观察力和技术好坏是没有关系的, 只有信任队友才有可能提高整个队的team play 的水平。
在多数情况下, 我能做到大部分, 但不幸的是,多数情况并没有同伴做类似的思考。没有持类似想法的同伴, I'm nothing, 但如果你有或接受部分想法, 我们一起就能play fantastic soccer. Team play 才是真正的soccer.
以上不是理论,在正式比赛和pickup game中,我和队友们全都打出来过,可惜,不是所有人接受这些观点,没能进一步,在我变老之前。 



All the 3rd guys get united!

巴萨把世界足球Team Play 提高了一个层次,自己却没有进步和突破, 其它队都前进了一大步, 自然就显得落后了;西班牙和巴萨的主教练无力做到,致使王朝的没落,拜仁更有希望把team play更上一层, 但需要有更多的倒爷。
