5.28 来自Ro Khanna 竞选团队的最新消息
Maggie Tian-911 05/28 57654.5/58
(5/28来自Ro Khanna 竞选团队的最新消息)
CONTACT: Tyler Law at 510-326-1273 tyler@rokhanna.com (请联系 Tyler Law)
SUNDAY: "Chinese for Ro" Canvass Kick Off ("华人支持Ro"恳谈系列活动开播)
FREMONT – Ro Khanna will join supporters in the Chinese American community this Sunday for a rally and canvass kick off in Cupertino. This is the latest of many events that the Khanna campaign has held within the Chinese community, and is an opportunity for Ro to energize volunteers, and turnout the vote ahead of the June 3rd primary election. (今早来自Fremont的消息,Ro Khanna 将于本周日, 6/1参加华人社区在Cupertino组织的大型扫街催票活动,并举办一场见面会现场回答华人朋友普遍关心的政治议题。届时,所有Ro的义工都会出席。这是一个为义工们所设计的极好的充电机会,请勿错过!错过肯定会后悔的。。。)
** Members of the media who wish to attend should email book.sun@gmail.com to receive more information and to RSVP**
(需要采访的媒体朋友,请发电邮到book.sun@gmail.com 跟孙晓光同学预约)
WHERE: 1601 S De Anza Blvd #100
Cupertino, CA 95014
WHEN: Sunday, June 1st, at 9:30am
WHO: Ro Khanna
VISUAL: Campaign signs, grassroots supporters
Ro Khanna is a candidate for Congress in California’s 17th district, which encompasses the heart of Silicon Valley. Since announcing his campaign for Congress in early April, Ro has received key endorsements from the San Jose Mercury News, the San Francisco Chronicle, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, and over 300 of the leading job creators and innovation luminaries in Silicon Valley including Sheryl Sandberg, Marissa Mayer and Eric Schmidt.
(Ro Khanna为D17区国会议员候选人。D17囊括了硅谷的中心地带。自从今年四月宣布竞选国会议员以来,Ro 获得了 San Jose Mercury News, the San Francisco Chronicle,现任副州长Gavin Newsom,还有包括Sheryl Sandberg, Marissa Mayer and Eric Schmidt 在内的,超过300名硅谷高科技公司, 最具创新意识的creators的背书。)
Learn more about the campaign: RoKhanna.com
Connect with Ro Khanna on Facebook and Twitter. (如想获取更多有关Ro 的信息,请登录facebook 和Twitter)。
顺便说一句, Ro是我所认识的本届候选人之中最年轻有为,最敢想敢做,最聪明勤奋,最具有政治前途,最懂得经济运作,和综合实力最强的一位。不支持他的同学们日后肯定要后悔的。。。
Maggie Tian
May 28th 于硅谷