纽约剑客-3072 04/18 50984.0/1
【转】We have ~19 million Asian Americans in the US. If you google Asian American political action committee (PAC), you will find the only active AAPAC is 80-20 Initiative. It is sad, but true. We have literally thousands of AA organizations in the US, but none of them is PAC. 80-20 Initiative did deliver block votes twice successfully. You can find 80-20's top 10 accomplishments in the link below http://www.80-20initiative.net/. Peter Liang's rally helps forge unity among ourselves, but the longer goal is to vote and deliver block votes.
【转】我们有 一千九万亚裔美国人在美国。如果你谷歌亚裔政治行动委员会 (PAC),你就会发现只有80-20 倡导的PAC。这是华人悲哀的但却是事实。我们有数以千计的华人组织在美国,但其中没有几个是 PAC的性质。80-20 倡导做两次成功包围区域拉票,你能找到 80-20 十大成就在 http://www.80-20initiative.net/ 下面的链接。彼得梁集会帮助打造团结自己,但更长的时间目标是选举权和包围区域拉选票。
不会组织“政治行动委员会”(PAC),挺梁结果只会停留在口号,只能是花钱拍照,无法对选举造成任何长久影响。有兴趣在纽约成立,加入PAC的朋友, 欢迎私聊我:7184657348