Liao Liang : 我为Baker 扫街日记

南美美-844  05/26   5428  

今天周日,接着为Baker扫街。一向粘妈妈的三岁半小儿子突然要求和爸爸出去。只好带上他。结果小家伙很兴奋,特别爱按门铃和挂door hanger。不知道是不是年龄最小义工。扫街过程很普通,周日可能时间不好,一半不在家。另外这次扫Pleasanton和Livermore交界处比邻葡萄园的大片地区,风景极佳。但是也给扫街带来不便,经常要开车换地。
有两家花絮值得一提。一家门口挂着no soliciting的牌子。我犹豫了一下要不要敲门。最后还是按了门铃。一位很和蔼的白人中年女士开了们。我简单介绍后,她说要回去拿眼镜看flyer。我当然说take your time。她看完后,我说Baker is not a politician, she is like you and me, grass root and fresh air. I talked to her a few times in person and I believe in her. That's why I came out to seek your support. 因为她读了flyer,我就没再说Baker的政见。这位女士看着我说,you know, I have lost interest in this election, so I don't know any candidates. But I really admire you came here to speak for her, in a holiday weekend.  This factor alone makes me want to vote for her. I read her flyer and it's convincing. I started my own business in 1987 and I know what she is fighting for.  Yes, I will vote for her.  我感觉就象考试考了100分,连忙表示thank you, and you know, she is a woman too! 这位女士笑了,说certainly I would like to see more women in Sacramento. 我接着表示其实holiday long weekend, I get tomorrow off, so I am very happy to volunteer in holiday weekend. 
另一家,开门的是六十来岁的白人女士。我说明来意。她看着我说你要去和我hubby Charlie 谈,他在backyard。我说能向您介绍一下Baker吗? 她说,I don't mind. But Charlie and I are different party. You may want to talk to Charlie. 我当时立马笑出声来。赶忙跑到后院,只见Charlie正在烧烤4块大肉,外加葡萄美酒。说明来意,Charlie 简单了解一下就说,yes I remember some of her opponents, I don't like any of them.  I will vote for her。我道谢出门,门口见到他太太也谢了又谢。心想不同政见在一个屋檐下生活这么多年,在遇见对方的宣传义工也能不计较转给丈夫。我们华人内部吵吵闹闹真是可笑。