AB 1726 法案的本质和对策(之二:具体理解AB 1726 法案)

祝凱-1377  03/26   16163  


AB 1726 法案的本质和对策(之二:具体理解AB 1726 法案)


祝凯, SVCA (Silicon Valley Chinese Association)


(二)具体理解AB 1726 法案


2015 年加州议会通过了AB 176 。出人意料的是,尽管这个法案在参众两院不分党派地几乎一致通过,布朗州长在201510月否决了AB 176 (http://www.gov.ca.gov/docs/AB_176_Veto_Message.pdf)。布朗州长的veto message 非常的高瞻远瞩,体现了一个真正政治家的智慧,而我们会稍后具体分析。AB 176的几个民主党推手议员(Rob Bonta, 罗达伦,邱信福等) 因为非常失望,发布了由一个叫Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) 的组织所sponsor的一个新闻会 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWR25HNUQMY)。会上,几个议员和 AB 176的支持者明确无误地表达,AB 176的一个重要目的就是帮助那些所谓后进的亚太裔如柬埔寨裔,老挝裔,苗裔等获取更多的大学学位。这个新闻会上的 podium  CAA 的名字挂得异常的醒目。


更加出人意料的是,在布朗州长否决了AB 176后短短的三个月内,Rob Bonta 又于20161月推出了 AB 1726AB 1726 2015 AB 176 的一个改头换面,但换汤不换药,实际内容几乎一模一样的新版本。它们都提议修订加州的 Government Code Sec. 8310。所以要分析 AB 1726,我们要先理解 Gov. Code § 8310 和它的立法历史。而理解这一点,我们得了解美国人口普查统计的历史,和一些华人亚裔在美国的错综复杂的政治法律纠结史。




     ·    1850年左右,伴随着加州淘金热,史上出现第一次大规模华人移民美国潮 (http://tinyurl.com/loc-chinese)


     ·    1863-1869年,华人移民在微薄薪资和极其恶劣的工作条件下,付出约两千条生命,为修筑横贯美国中西部的太平洋铁路做出了巨大贡献(虽然客观的说,这种贡献不是自愿的,而是在劳工市场中的一种无奈甚至悲哀的选择)。太平洋铁路是促进当时美国经济发展的一个划时代的里程碑,在当时意义可以比肩后来1950年代以来修筑的,今天还在广泛使用的 interstate highway system


     ·    1870年起,美国开始兴起单独针对华人的各种歧视立法。今天,学界的主流共识是当时美国经济不景气,而经过了修筑太平洋铁路后的华工被普遍认为吃苦耐劳,可以接受任何薪资和工作条件,因此在劳工市场上极有竞争力从而夺走了白人的工作机会 (http://tinyurl.com/loc-chinese5)


     ·    1882年,美国通过了排华法案 (Chinese Exclusion Act)。这是美国历史上空前绝后的一次单单针对某一个族裔而通过的反移民法案,而其内容明白无误表示是因为惧怕中国来的廉价劳工 (http://tinyurl.com/CEA1882)。在接下来的数年里,该法案通过被修订 (amendments)和最高法院的几个判案得到了近一步加强(http://tinyurl.com/CEA-wiki)。在该法案下,已经移民美国的中国男子不光在法律上不能入美国国籍,而且在实际层面上既无法和远在中国的妻儿团聚,也不能在美国重新组建家庭,从而在美国被造成事实上的种族隔绝 (“For all practical purposes, the Exclusion Act, along with the restrictions that followed it, froze the Chinese community in place in 1882, and prevented it from growing and assimilating into U.S. society as European immigrant groups did.”) (http://tinyurl.com/loc-chinese6)

巧合的是,我最近刚认识的,现在正在帮梁警官打上诉官司的UC Davis 法学院赵健教授的一个专长领域就是 “Race and Law” (http://law.ucdavis.edu/faculty/chin)。而他对这个领域以及紧密相关的移民法领域有强烈兴趣,恰恰是因为他的祖父就是排华法案期间持伪造证件来到美国的 “paper son”,即冒充已经移民美国华人在中国大陆的子女而来到美国(参见拙文 http://www.weidb.com/p41096)。这也是为什么有些媒体想当然地以为他姓陈 (Chin) 但实际姓赵的原因。排华法案的 Wikipedia entry 引用赵健教授1998年的 UCLA Law Review 文章说,“[t]he laws were driven largely by racial concerns; immigration of persons of other races was unlimited during this period” (http://tinyurl.com/CEA-wiki)


     ·    1890 年,美国人口普查局第一次在十年一次的普查中对东亚人口进行细分,加入了华人, 日本人, 和印度人 (http://tinyurl.com/cencus1890)


     ·    1930年,美国人口普查局在普查中开始对亚洲人口进行细分,加入了菲律宾人和韩国人,同时把印度人按他们信仰的印度教来划分成一个族裔(Hindu)  (http://tinyurl.com/cencus1930)


     ·    1960年,美国人口普查局在普查中加入了Hawaiian, Part-Hawaiian, Aleut, and Eskimo (http://tinyurl.com/race-ethnicity-census-wiki)


     ·   1970 年,美国人口普查局第一次在普查中部分抽样的问卷中,针对说西班牙语的人口询问他们的 “origin or descent”是什么,并提供墨西哥(Mexican)”波多黎各(Puerto Rican)”古巴(Cuban)”中南美(Central or South American)”其它西班牙语系(Other Spanish)”,和以上都不是(None of these)”等几种选择(http://tinyurl.com/cencus1970)


     ·   1980年,美国人口普查局在普查中加入了Vietnamese, Indian (East), Guamanian, Samoan (http://tinyurl.com/race-ethnicity-census-wiki)


     ·   1989年,加州通过了 AB 814 法案,并 codify 当时的Government Code Section 8310.5, AB 814的主要内容是:


SECTION 1. The Legislature finds and declares as follows:


   (a) The Asian and Pacific Islander communities are rapidly growing in California and will comprise nearly 10 percent of the state's total population by 1990 and 14 percent of the population by the year 2020.

   (b) The over 60 broad ethnic and racial designations which make up our Asian and Pacific Islander communities represent a tremendous cultural diversity.

   (c) Accurate perception of these communities and their needs is often masked by stereotyping and confusion.



SECTION 2.   The purpose of this act is to require all state agencies and state-funded programs to use uniform collection categories for the major Asian and Pacific Islander groups, including, but not limited to, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, Asian Indian, Hawaiian, Guamanian, Samoan, Laotian, and Cambodian.



SECTION 3.   Section 8310.5 is added to the Government Code, to read:


   § 8310.5.


Any state agency board or commission which directly or by contract collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of Californians shall use separate collection categories and tabulations for each major Asian and Pacific Islander group, including, but not limited to, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, Asian Indian, Hawaiian, Guamanian, Samoan, Laotian, and Cambodian.


可以看出的是,当时 § 8310.5的目的非常 general,没有提及任何具体的agency,也没有说明数据具体用来干什么。同时,根据Wikipedia Laotian, and Cambodian似乎当时并没有被国家人口普查局单列成被直接统计的族裔(但任何人可以 write in任何自我认可的族裔,包括Laotian Cambodian )


     ·   1990 年,美国人口普查局第一次在普查中,除了race的问题外,单独问了这样一个问题— Is this person on Hispanic or Spanish origin? 值得注意的是,这个问题意味着 Hispanic 既可以是白人,也可以是非白人 (http://tinyurl.com/cencus1990)


     ·   2000年的人口普查在 race 方面和以前有很大不同,主要原因是1997年白宫的管理和预算办公室 (Office of Management and Budget, or OMB) 颁布了新的Directive 15,对人口普查统计中要采用的族裔做了新的规定,而以前的 Directive 151977年颁布的 (http://tinyurl.com/directive15-1977) 。关于新的Directive 15是怎么生成并最后定稿的,白宫有详细的解释(https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/fedreg_1997standards),而这里面的一段话非常关键:


For more than 20 years, the current standards in OMB's Statistical Policy Directive No. 15 have provided a common language to promote uniformity and comparability for data on race and ethnicity for the population groups specified in the Directive. They were developed in cooperation with Federal agencies to provide consistent data on race and ethnicity throughout the Federal Government. Development of the data standards stemmed in large measure from new responsibilities to enforce civil rights laws. Data were needed to monitor equal access in housing, education, employment, and other areas, for populations that historically had experienced discrimination and differential treatment because of their race or ethnicity. The standards are used not only in the decennial census (which provides the data for the "denominator" for many measures), but also in household surveys, on administrative forms (e.g., school registration and mortgage lending applications), and in medical and other research. The categories represent a social-political construct designed for collecting data on the race and ethnicity of broad population groups in this country, and are not anthropologically or scientifically based.


在新的Directive 15之下,2000年的人口普查对族裔(race)提出了以下分类 (http://tinyurl.com/race-ethnicity-census-wiki)


Ø  白人。 一个人有来自以下任何地区原住民的血统:欧洲,中东,北非;包含任何声称自己是 “white”的人或进一步报告血统,比如爱尔兰,德国,意大利,黎巴嫩,近东,阿拉伯,或者波兰等血统。


Ø  黑人或非裔美国人。一个人有来自任何非洲黑肤色原住民的血统;包含任何声称自己是 “Black, African Am., or Negro”的人或进一步报告血统,比如非裔美国人,美国黑人,肯尼亚,尼日利亚,或海地等血统。


Ø  美印地安人和阿拉斯加原住民。一个人有来自任何北美洲,南美洲(含中美洲)原住民的血统并保持相关部落的关系或者和相关社区有联系。


Ø  亚裔。一个人有来自以下任何地区原住民的血统:远东,东南亚,或者印度次大陆包括比如柬埔寨,中国,印度,日本,韩国,马来西亚,巴基斯坦,菲律宾群岛,泰国,和越南;包含任何声称自己是印度,“华人”,“菲律宾”,“韩国”,“日本”,“越南”,和“其它亚裔”等血统的热门。


Ø  夏威夷原住民及其它太平洋岛民。一个人有来自以下任何地区原住民的血统:夏威夷,关岛,萨摩亚,或其它太平洋岛屿;包含任何声称自己是“夏威夷原住民”,“关岛或查莫罗”,“萨摩亚”和“其它太平洋岛屿”等血统的人。


Ø  其它族裔。包括任何不属于以上“白人”,“黑人或非裔美国人”,“美印地安人和阿拉斯加原住民”,“亚裔”,和“夏威夷原住民及其它太平洋岛民”选择的答复。被调查者在“其它族裔”栏提供以下填写答复的属于此列: 多族裔, 混血,混合人种,或拉丁族裔(比如, 墨西哥裔,波多黎各裔,或古巴裔).


Ø  两种或以上族裔。一个人可以选择提供两种或以上族裔,要么通过在两种或以上族裔选项上打勾,要么填写多种族裔的答复,要么通过这两种回复方式的不同组合。


     ·    2010 年的人口普查中,特别强调了 “Hispanic” “ethnicity” 而不是 “race”。而且,“Hispanic or Latino” 被改成了“Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin (http://tinyurl.com/race-ethnicity-census-wiki)


     ·   2011年,加州通过了 AB 1088 法案,并 codify 当时的Government Code Section 8310.7, AB 1088的主要内容是:




The Legislature hereby finds and declares all of the following:


   (a) One-third of the nation's Asian Americans as well as Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, totaling 5.4 million people, live in California, making the state home to more Asian Americans as well as Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders than any other state in the nation.


   (b) Asian Americans as well as Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders represent 15.5 percent of the state's population, growing by nearly 34 percent from 2000 to 2010.


   (c) Asian Americans as well as Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders are an incredibly diverse group. Due to this diversity, the United States Office of Management and Budget's Statistical Policy Directive No. 15, entitled Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting, separated the "Asian and Pacific Islander" category into two distinct and separate categories, now called "Asians" and "Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders," and these two distinct categories were used in the 2000 United States Census. The United States Census Bureau currently reports data for more than 20 different ethnicities within these two categories.


   (d) While Asian Americans as well as Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders are often misrepresented as a homogeneous group, they are an extremely diverse group, with ethnicities from over 30 different countries. Although Asian American as well as Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander communities in this state share geographical and cultural commonalities, they also experience diverse social, educational, health, and economic differences that are unique to their respective communities.


   (e) Existing state law requires state demographic data to be collected for Asian and some Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander ethnic groups. However, additional ethnic groups reported by the United States Census Bureau are not included that reflect changing demographics and intrastate migration patterns. Most state agencies are currently not in compliance with existing state law or have not made the collected data accessible. Data should be updated on a regular basis and made accessible to the public so that regional and local governments, elected officials, decisionmakers, and other stakeholders can use the information to strategically target programs for those most in need.


   (f) Given the diversity of languages and cultures, separating data for additional Asian and additional Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander ethnic groups and making the data publicly accessible are critical for enhancing our state's understanding of the needs and experiences of these different communities.


[ ... ]


SEC. 3.  Section 8310.7 is added to the Government Code, to read:


§ 8310.7.

(a) This section shall only apply to the following state agencies:


   (1) The Department of Industrial Relations.


   (2) The Department of Fair Employment and Housing.


(b) In addition to the duties imposed under Section 8310.5, the state agencies described in subdivision (a), in the course of collecting demographic data directly or by contract as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of California residents, shall collect and tabulate data for the following:


   (1) Additional major Asian groups, including, but not limited to, Bangladeshi, Hmong, Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, and Thai.


   (2) Additional major Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, including, but not limited to, Fijian and Tongan.


可以看出的是,和之前的§ 8310.5相比,新加的§ 8310.7的目的非常具体,那就是添加了Department of Industrial RelationsDepartment of Fair Employment and Housing这两个 state agency,并要求他们在收集族裔数据时候,进一步收集更多的亚太族裔的数据。


非常关键的是,这些所有新增加的亚太小族裔,和之前§ 8310.5 中的Laotian Cambodian一样,并没有被国家人口普查局单列成被直接统计的族裔(但任何人可以 write in任何自认为的族裔,包括那些新增的族裔)。加州议会在AB 1088中所说的 “additional ethnic groups reported by the United States Census Bureau are not included” 是不正确的,因为这些族裔的数据在联邦人口普查时,并不是像 Chinese Filipino 等“真正”主要亚太族裔一样是被明确单列被直接统计,而完全靠被调查者在没有引导提醒的情况下optionally 任意填写(write in)的。换句话说,一个被调查者在没有引导提醒的情况下,完全有可能没有意识到自己属于某个更小的族裔而可以 optionally write in, 或者即使本人意识到了,由于 questionnaire 并没有明确提示自己所属的小族裔而且同时提供了一个更general的亚太族裔,从而自己偷懒不 write  in 这两种没有 write-in 的情况有多少,根本无法得知。所以,这个所谓的 “additional ethnic groups reported by the United States Census Bureau” 在统计上不具备科学意义,或者最多只是 qualitative  information,而不是 quantitative information


值得一提的是,2011 AB 1088的提案者,是现国会议员赵美心的先生,当时任加州众议员的 伍国庆 (Mike Eng),而唯一的一个 co-author,是当时任加州众议员,现任国会议员的刘云平 (Ted Lieu)





从以上记事表中人口普查的变迁可看出,至少从联邦政府角度,raceethnicityorigin这几个概念互相交织,异常复杂,并没有公认的,一成不变的定义或含义,无论是内涵还是外延。关于这一点,以下这篇介绍性文章和 presentation很值得一读:











(2) 美国1890年人口普查时,破整整100年的天荒对一个本来人口就不多的族类(东亚族裔)进行细分(华,日,印),有很大可能和1882年的排华法案有直接关系,因为该次普查是排华法案通过后的第一次。而日印裔当时人口应该更少,加进去完全是为了在本来就很有限的东亚裔中更清楚地调查统计华裔而已。这次人口普查第一次添加族裔这个举动,应该是为了配合排华法案。


(3) 白人和黑人身份特殊,从来就没有被细分过。1997OMB在解释 Directive 15时候说得明白,“Data were needed to monitor equal access in housing, education, employment, and other areas, for populations that historically had experienced discrimination and differential treatment because of their race or ethnicity”。这句话是赤裸裸的 remedial affirmative action的宗旨,而 remedy之目的,就是 right a historical wrong,是 affirmative action 的最早理论之来源。白人是通过种族灭绝式杀戮印第安原住民来“建立”美国这个国家的人种, 是胜利者,从来没有被歧视过,所以不需要被细分。黑人是用船从非洲贩来的奴隶出身,不是简单的一个歧视了得,换句话说,他们比歧视的待遇还低一百倍,所以也就彻底没有细分的必要了,管他是非洲大陆成千上万个部落酋国中哪里来的。夏威夷阿拉斯加是通过威胁和诱骗得来的海外土地,他们的族裔自然自成一类。唯有亚太裔,是自由人身份来到美国大陆,但又有被歧视的历史,所以需要被照顾,要被分门别类,玻璃罐上贴上详细的族裔标签。


(4) 最高法院的Equal Protection Affirmative Action jurisprudence 一直在变化,最近二十年有不少新案例,包括现在正让关心的华人翘首以盼的,同时担心是否会因为 Scalia大法官的突然离去而产生重大变数的Fisher II 案子。今天的最高法院的 jurisprudence是,任何直接加上种族区别对待的法律或者政府行为,都是需要 strict scrutiny suspect class,需要被证明有compelling state interest


OMB Directive 151997年颁布的,至今快二十年。如前所述,1997OMG在决定对不同族裔采取不同数据收集方式时,一个重要的理由就是Data were needed to monitor equal access in housing, education, employment, and other areas, for populations that historically had experienced discrimination and differential treatment because of their race or ethnicity. 但这个和大学入学的 affirmative action的理由十分类似,只是更间接一步(为了同样的目的先收集数据,虽然还没有具体运用数据来达到所计划之目的),更加含糊。但是这个 Directive 15今天是不是完全符合宪法,上面这个高大上理由能不能构成一个“compelling state interest”, 没人能够绝对保证。 现在没事可能只是从来没有人想到去法院挑战它的 constitutionality 而已。


1989 年的加州 AB 814  (Gov Code § 8310.5) OMG Directive 15 好一点,因为它字面更加neutral一些,也没有明确地说要搞 remedial affirmative action


2011年的加州 AB 1088  (Gov Code § 8310.7) 就比OMG Directive 15 要更加有问题一些,因为它非常 specifically 加上了 Department of Industrial RelationsDepartment of Fair Employment and Housing这两个 state agencies,意味所收集的数据是直接为这两个 agency 服务的。但这两个agency 拿这些数据能干些什么呢?很难想象它们有任何一种用途完全不包含任何族裔因素的考量,同时很容易想象他们至少有某些用途包含一定族裔因素的考量。这两个agency的性质,能不能让它们对那些族裔数据的应用构成 “compelling state interest”?这大概已经不是没人能够绝对保证的问题,而是比较可疑的问题了。



2016年的 AB 1726法案


现在正在加州众议院被讨论的 AB 1726法案主要内容如下:


SECTION 1. Section 8310.7 of the Government Code is amended to read:


8310.7. (a) This section shall only apply to the following state agencies:


(1) The Department of Industrial Relations.


(2) The Department of Fair Employment and Housing.


(3) The State Department of Public Health and the State Department of Health Care Services, on or after July 1, 2017, whenever collecting demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of persons for a report that includes the type and amount of health care coverage, rates for major diseases, leading causes of death per demographic, subcategories for leading causes of death in California overall, pregnancy rates, or housing numbers.


(4) The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, the Trustees of the California State University, or the Regents of the University of California, on or after July 1, 2017, whenever the entity collects demographic data as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of students for a report that includes student admission, enrollment, completion, or graduation rates.


(b) In addition to the duties imposed under Section 8310.5, the state agencies described in subdivision (a), in the course of collecting demographic data directly or by contract as to the ancestry or ethnic origin of California residents, shall collect and tabulate data for the following:


(1) Additional major Asian groups, including, but not limited to, Bangladeshi, Hmong, Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Taiwanese, and Thai.


(2) Additional major Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander groups, including, but not limited to, Fijian and Tongan.



至此,我们清楚看到,AB 1726就是修订 Gov. Code § 8310.7,  除了之前的两个 state agencies,再加上一个医疗健康和一个高等教育的种类,要求这些新的 agencies收集小亚太族裔的数据。我们上面有讲到 2011 AB 1088是否违宪的问题,而新加的这些 state agencies 不仅面临同样的问题,而且更有了新的问题。


这个新的问题就是因为 Prop. 209明确禁止在高等教育领域有种族肤色的考量,而新加的高等教育这一块,也就是华人最为关注担心的这一块,有踏上了Prop. 209红线的嫌疑!


当法庭检阅一个法案是否有Equal Protection或者Prop. 209之类违宪的嫌疑的时候,很重要的一点就是研究该法案的意图。本文最开始有讨论在AB 176被布朗州长否决的时候,Rob Bonta 和其他民主党法案提议者及支持者开了一个新闻发布会,并高调显示 Chinese for American Action sponsorship,而他们在新闻会中的言论已经清楚表明AB 176 / AB1726是要被用来收集族裔数据以便搞 高等教育领域的 Affirmative Action。而 众议院API Caucus 主席Das William3/15/2016电邮中也明确提及这一点:


“However, when you break the data down, the ACS also shows only 29% of Vietnamese Americans, 14% of Cambodian Americans, and 12% of Laotian Americans have a college degree.


Clearly, disaggregated data plays an important role in identifying where the needs in our community are so that we can provide effective solutions.”


这个提及比例的潜台词,难道不就是拿 quota 或者类似quota在说事?没有 quota 这个概念,是29% 还是 50% 还是 1%又有什么相干?我们不反对帮助后进群体提高教育水平,但如果提高的效果要靠族裔的最终百分比来衡量或证明,那不是搞AA quota难道是搞彩票中奖率?


当然,这些 video / email 只能用来做帮我们识穿他们立法真面目的工具。如果要真打官司,还是要看 legislative history on the record legislative intent


AB 176 Office of Senate Floor Analyses (http://tinyurl.com/ab176SenateAnalysis ) 说:







来自国家人口普查局的权威数据表明,苗裔Hmong Americanhousehold 收入为$46,634,高于摩洛哥裔Moroccan American ($44,521),  立陶宛裔Lithuanian American ($43,025),  利比亚裔Liberian American ($40,277),  库尔德裔Kurdish American ($35,638),  也门裔Yemeni American ($34,667),和伊拉克裔Iraqi American ($32,075) 等众多族裔。同时,苗裔的household 收入,又要比马来裔Malaysian American ($60,613),印尼裔Indonesian American  ($59,509) 等低不少。而这些比苗裔收入更低的族裔全部都是白人,而且在加州人数不少。那么这些族裔的教育情况为什么不被调查?他们极有可能大学学位获得率也远低于美国/加州平均水平,为什么他们不被 AB 1726所照顾到?这难道不是赤裸裸的种族歧视? 就算 AB 1726找到 “compelling state interest”,也不能就这个问题自圆其说。



布朗州长对AB 176充满政治智慧的否决


我们前面讨论到,布朗州长于201510月否决了AB 176 (http://www.gov.ca.gov/docs/AB_176_Veto_Message.pdf。他说:








身为民主党的布朗州长,对一个共和党议员由于没有深入了解以致几乎全票通过的民主党重要法案,能够站在如此高的角度对之毅然否决,实在令人赞叹不已。“我对现在不断增长的对社会进行分化的渴望持谨慎态度,”这一语就击中了当今美国社会的最重大问题。美国曾经引以为傲的并引导这个国家走进成功的 melting pot 精神到哪里去了?我们移民美国,难道不是要争取做一个国家下的同一种公民,而是要搞出几百种 Americans?