纽约代伟-102179 03/18 12530
Dr.Teng 出生于台湾,在位于新竹的清华大学电子工程系毕业。
他上世纪八十年代移民美国,在华盛顿大学(University of Washington)就读电子工程专业,2007年获博士学位。
2008-2015年,邓家祺在犹他州杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University) 任教,BYU信息科技系教授。
这样在全美国范围内,今年一共有七位华裔参选美国国会众议员(House of Representatives)。
共和黨候選人 鄧家祺博士
1)主要政治主张:平衡预算、减少支出;联邦土地归还犹他;重审替换Obama Care;教育归还地方;保护生命(Pro-life);加强边境保护、欢迎合法移民;保卫第二修正案。
Why I'm running
Each year, I see students walk through my classroom door at Brigham Young University full of hope for the future, ready to tackle the world, with new ideas and energy.
However, what many of them don't know is that the American dream they've been told about is being crushed by deficit spending, unending regulations, confusing tax policy and an ever-growing national debt. For the last six years, Congress and Mr. Chaffetz have not fixed it.
I have lived the American dream, and my students inspire me to renew it. This is why I want to represent you in the United States Congress.
-Dr. Chia-Chi Teng
However, what many of them don't know is that the American dream they've been told about is being crushed by deficit spending, unending regulations, confusing tax policy and an ever-growing national debt. For the last six years, Congress and Mr. Chaffetz have not fixed it.
I have lived the American dream, and my students inspire me to renew it. This is why I want to represent you in the United States Congress.
-Dr. Chia-Chi Teng