勿忘初衷5 : Chuck说:“根据党派投票已经成为一个伤害民主体制健康发展的毒瘤” (改)

一朵浪花-1086  05/16   7779  

我要赞Chuck讲的透彻,讲得有高度。我希望我那些仍然坚持选择党不选择人的朋友读读Chuck的这段话(note1):“根据党派投票已经成为一个伤害民主体制健康发展的毒瘤,几年前,我曾向自己发誓,如果我看见某人的竞选宣传里头出现 "xxx Democrat for YYY" or ..."...Republican for ..." ,我就一定不会选他/她。因为我觉得那人首先考虑的是党派的利益,而不是他所代表的人民。”

我从来没有从这个高度去认识,但这个问题确实就应该从这个高度去认识。我想到英语世界去找找选党不选人的论述,没有。大概因为这是一个太基本违反民主的口号,没有那个政客愿意喊,在英语世界里形同政治生命的自杀。 只有我们这些华裔政治上白丁,才会去争论这个宗教性的口号。

下面是我找到的六步候选人选择法: (http://www.wikihow.com/Vote-For-the-Right-Candidate-in-an-Election

Voting for the right candidate can be tricky. They all want your vote so they all make the best promises they can think of. Which one should you pick? How should you choose?

1. Make a list of things that are important to you: Values, things you think candidate should achieve etc.

2. Motivate these choices: Why are these things on your list? How important are they to you? Mark the most important ones but keep the others as well.

3. Look for a candidate you relate to: Listen to speeches, visit their websites, find out about their opinions and, even more important: What motivates them. Opinions can easily be adapted to what the voter wants to hear, motivations are a little more reliable

4. Find out if the candidate(s) you've chosen is really the right one. Check their history, find out if they are telling the truth and if they can (and will) actually do what they are promising you.

5. Make a final pick: Take your first list of important things, the election programme of your chosen candidate and any other important information you stumbled upon. Compare them and decide if this candidate (or which one of the candidates meets your demands the most if you hadn't chosen one yet) is really the one you want to be represented by.

6. Vote: If you've done this right, then hopefully you won't make the wrong choice. By following the steps and being true to yourself you can be sure you've done your best to choose the candidate that's most suitable to represent you. So vote!


请选择诚实忍让顾全大局, 过往为了我们的利益而战的Barry, 理念和我们一致的Barry。不要为了一句Chuck都坚决反对的口号,莫名其妙的放弃Barry。


Note1:Chuck Page围炉夜话,第4卷
Note2: 我仍然坚持打破民主党一党独大的目标。南加五区,共和党选择的战场,我们必须全力配合。全力投入。