纽约代伟-102179 02/24 7666
Activity | 501(c)(3) |
public education and training sessions about participation in the political process 关于参与政治进程的公共教育和培训课程 | Yes |
Sponsor a debate between candidates, where all viable candidates are invited and given equal opportunity to speak on a broad range of issues 赞助候选人的辩论,所有候选人受到邀请,并给予平等机会就范围广泛的问题发表演讲 | yes |
Distribute voter guides to the public that set out the candidates’ views on a broad range of issues 分发选民指南,针对范围广泛的一系列问题把候选人的意见公布于众 | Yes |
Rent mailing lists and facilities at fair market value to other organizations, legislators, and candidates 公平市值把邮件列表和设施出租给其他组织,立法者和候选人 | Yes, must allow any candidate to rent 必须允许所有候选人都可以租 |
Conduct nonpartisan get-out-the-vote activities, voter registration, and education drives 开展无党派的出去投票活动,选民登记和教育活动 | Yes |
Criticize sitting elected officials 批评在位的民选官员 | Yes (may not attack their personal characteristics or attack them in their status as a candidate) 不能人身攻击,不能攻击他们候选人状态 |
Establish a 501 c 4 创办 501C4 组织 | Yes |
Lobby for/against legislation 游说/反对立法 | Limited |
support/oppose ballot measures 支持/反对投票措施 | Limited |
Distribute voter guides to the public that compare candidates on issues of importance to the organization 分发选民指南,针对本组织关心的议题,把候选人意见公布于众 | No |
Conduct voter registration and GOTV activities based on party affiliation or how people will vote 开展基于党派的,或者基于选民如何投票模式的选民登记和出去投票活动 | No |
Endorse candidates and publicize its endorsement 背书候选人和宣传自己的背书 | No |
Fund independent expenditures in support of or opposition to a candidate 资助独立开销支持或者反对一个候选人 | No |
Make campaign contributions (monetary or in-kind) 竞选捐款(货币或实物) | No |
Compare organization’s issue position with that of a candidate 把候选人的立场和组织关心的问题的立场相比较 | No |
Connect organization’s criticism of public official to voting in an election 把组织对公职人员的批评,联系到选举投票 | No |
Highlight the differences between candidates for public office on a high-profile issue on which the candidate have diverging views 高调突出候选人在关键议题上的不同意见 | No |
Ask candidates to sign pledges on any issues 要求候选人针对某问题签保证书 | No |
Post partisan political messages on Facebook Twitter, or Tumblr 在社交网络上发布偏向某政党的政治信息 | No |