Charles Liu刘海云 02/21 57573.8/4
Closing Speech at Peter Liang Rally, San Francisco
My fellow Americans:
My name is Charles Liu. A lot has been said and I am impressed with the passion from all of you! Look around you, the people that you see, the people that are here today, and including yourself, are the backbone of our political future. Why? Because you have defeated our biggest enemy! Our biggest enemy is our apathy and indifference to the suffering of others! Today you have demonstrated you just defeated both!
Are you angry at the scapegoating of Peter Liang? ... Yes! Are you angry at the structural discrimination against the minorities? Yes! Do you feel the injustice? Yes! If you feel angry about injustice, then translate that energy into some more concrete and useful actions: and that is - you need to register to vote! I am sure this is something we can all agree on: the percentage of Chinese Americans who vote is still too low! At 18%! Amongst the lowest of all other Americans! No wonder the politicians don't pay attention to our interests, our needs, our desires, our cries! We are invisible because too few of us vote! So let us make our Chinese New Year resolution this: increase the percentage of our voters by one point each year! Whether you are republicans, democrats, or independents, it doesn't matter, our votes may seem divided, but as long as we vote, we are united around the higher voting percentage number, and that will give us power! Now, the main steam media may not publish our stories, they may not hear our voices, but they can never silience our votes! They can not take away our power!
To get more power, do not limit yourself to voting alone. We should fully embrace the idea of becoming mainstream Americans. And that means we perform our civic duties. Next time, when you receive a jury duty summon, be excited! That is your chance to experience our country's judicial system. That is your chance to see and understand what justice is. And that will make us all better Americans!
Once again, I am proud of your passion for your fellow citizen Peter Liang and Akai Gurley! As Martin Luther King Said : life's most urgent and persistent question is: what are you doing for others? Today, you have answered that question loudly: you have shown that you cared about Peter Liang, you cared about Akai Gurly, you have shown the Chinese Americans are passionate people, loving people, and if you vote and perform your civic duties, our children will have a bright future in this country! And together will build a great America! Thank you!
-Charles Liu on 2/20/2016