
薛习-1643  10/20   6187  

作者 保罗 克拉格   罗伯特(PaulCraig Robert美国学者  作者

 译者 薛习  澳大利亚华人学者 作者                                                    

俄罗斯和中国花了20年才弄明白那些由美国国务院 US Departmentof State和美国私立基金会和其它类型的组织基金支持的,在这两个国家运行的各种支持“民主”,“人权”的组织是颠覆组织。这些非政府组织 NGO 的真正目的,是通过破坏俄罗斯,中国这两个有能力反抗美国霸权国家的稳定而推进美国霸权。




华盛顿能够改变,使他们背叛俄罗斯的人大概占2-3% 这些人是西方人(被西方化了的人,正常俄罗斯人不认为他们是西方人,也不认为俄罗斯是西方国家。当然,“西方”也不认为他们是“西方”,部分中文读者可能误解“白种人”都是西方人,其实,所谓“西方不是一个地理概念,不是一个种族概念,就像白人这一概念一样是一个社会政治概念,是近代西方的建构-译者注),这些人愿意他们的国家变成美国的附庸而获得钱财,当然这些钱财是给他们的。







但就像人们常说的,好事总有个头。西克 Saker 报告揭示,中国为了保护自己免于被华盛顿颠覆最终采取行动了,俄罗斯也采取行动保护自己了。

 我们美国人需要谦虚,不是傲慢。我们需要承认,我们的生活水平,除了1%的受益者,过去20年来一直下滑。如果地球上还要继续有生命的话,不是俄罗斯和中国;也不是萨达姆 侯赛因,卡扎菲,阿萨德,也门,巴基斯坦,索马里威胁美国。




东欧在华盛顿的游说集团是为了报复苏联,但他们已经和我们渐行渐远。他们的仇恨转向了俄罗斯,俄罗斯其实除了没有读懂沃尔福威茨主义(Wolfowitz Doctrine )—华盛顿打算统治世界,这需要制服俄罗斯和中国什么也没做。


无国界记者 –Reporter Sans frontieres,人权观察 Human Rights ,大赦国际 Amnesty International ,维吾尔人权计划 Uyghur Human Right Project ,自由之家 House of Freedom,中国人权 Human Rights in China2049 计划研究所 Project 2049 institute ,对华援助协会 China Aid,国际援藏协会 International Campaignfor Tibet


Washington’sFifth Columns Inside Russia and China


It took two decades for Russia andChina to understand that «pro-democracy» and «human rights» organizationsoperating within their countries were subversive organizations funded by the USDepartment of State and a collection of private American foundations organizedby Washington.

 The real purpose of thesenon-governmental organizations (NGOs) is to advance Washington’s hegemony bydestabilizing the two countries capable of resisting US hegemony.

Washington’s Fifth Columns pulledoff «color revolutions» in former Russian provinces, such as Georgia, thebirthplace of Joseph Stalin and Ukraine, a Russian province for centuries.

 When Vladimir Putin was lastelected, Washington was able to use its Fifth Columns to pour thousands ofprotesters into the streets of Russia claiming that Putin had «stolen theelection».

This American propaganda had noeffect on Russia, where the citizen back their president by 89%. The other 11%consists almost entirely of Russians who believe Putin is too soft toward theWest’s aggression. This minority supports Putin as well. They only want him tobe tougher.

The actual percentage of thepopulation that Washington has been able to turn into treasonous agents is only2-3 percent of the population. These traitors are the «Westerners», the«Atlantic integrationists», who are willing for their country to be an Americanvassal state in exchange for money Paid tothem, of course.

 But Washington’s ability to putits Fifth Columns into the streets of Moscow had an effect on insouciantAmericans and Europeans. Many Westerners today believe that Putin stole hiselection and is intent on using his to rebuild the Soviet http://ad.admitad.com/goto/df35d7493f0ec26fd9f695d6667c51/" style="position: relative;">Empire and tocrush the West.

Not that crushing the West wouldbe a difficult thing to do. The West has pretty much already crushed itself.

China, obsessed with becomingrich, has been an easy mark for Washington. The Rockefeller Foundation issupporting pro-American Chinese professors in the universities. US corporationsoperating in China create superfluous «boards» to which the relatives of theruling political class are appointed and paid high «directors’s fees».

This compromises the loyalty ofthe Chinese ruling class. 

Hoping to have compromised theChinese ruling class with money, Washington then launched its Hong Kong NGOs inprotests, hoping that the protests would spread into China and that the rulingclass, bought with American money, would be slow to see the danger.

Russia and China finally caughton.

 It is amazing that the governmentsof the two countries that Washington regards as «threats» were so tolerant offoreign-financed NGOs for so long. The Russian and Chinese toleration ofWashington’s Fifth Columns must have greatly encouraged the Americanneoconservatives, thus pushing the world closer to conflict.

But asthey say, all good things come to an end. The Saker reports that China finallyhas acted to protect itself from Washington’s subversion

.Russia,also, has acted in her defense,  аlso

.We Americans need to be humble,not arrogant. We need to acknowledge that American living standards, except forthe favored One Percent, are in long-term decline and have been for twodecades. If life on earth is to continue, Americans need to understand that itis not Russia and China, any more than it was Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad,Yemen, Pakistan, and Somalia, that are threats to the US.

The threat to the US residesentirely in the crazed neoconservative ideology of Washington’s hegemony overthe world and over the American people.

This arrogant goal commits the USand its vassal states to nuclear war.

If Americans were to wake up,would they be able to do anything about their out-of-control-government? AreEuropeans, having experienced the devastating results of World War I and WorldWar II, capable of understanding that the incredible damage done to Europe inthose wars is minuscule compared to the damage from nuclear war?

 If the EU were an intelligent andindependent government, the EU would absolutely forbid any member country fromhosting a US anti-ballistic missile or any other military base anywhere closeto Russia’s borders.

The Eastern European lobby groupsin Washington want revenge on the Soviet Union, an entity that is no longerwith us. The hatred transmits to Russia. Russia has done nothing except to havefailed to read the Wolfowitz Doctrine and to realize that Washington intends torule the world, which requires prevailing over Russia and China.

 Paul Craig ROBERTS

 | SCF
