卢克10:29 那么,谁是我的邻居?

伟清- 房地产+贷款-3300  09/29   7588  

Luke 10:29. And Who Is My Neighbor?

("Forward Day By Day" Thur May 21, 2015 from Forward Movement)

This beloved parable is about more than being kind to our neighbor. It's about the grace that is shared and the miracle that is manifested each time we help each other, and each time we allow ourselves to be helped. Both of the main characters in this story, the man who is beaten and left for dead, and the man who rescues him and has him cared for, had to humble themselves in order to be in relationship.

Mutual distrust and mutual prejudice could have cost the injured man his life, either by the Samaritan refusing to stop, or in the injured man refusing help from such a suspicious source. Jesus asks us to look past the natural lines of religious creed, racial and ethnic identities, socioeconomic status, and all the other words we use to separate "us" from "them," and to see his face in the man in the ditch. Jesus is asking us to look up and see his face in the man who is saving someone who cannot save himself.

We are invited to see the face of Jesus on each of these men-- to realize that when we reach out in love or when we are being helped, Jesus is always present. Are you willing to be humbled in that way? Who or what can you help, today? Who or what can help you?


互不信任和双向偏见可能会致使受伤的人丧失其生命:或者是见义勇为者拒绝停下来,或者是受伤的人拒绝这个可疑的人的帮助。宗教信条、种族身份、社会经济地位,及我们使用的所有其他用来将“我们”和”他们”区分的字眼, 把人类自然地划分开来。耶稣要我们跨越这些自然界限,在那个掉进沟里的人的身上看见耶稣的脸。耶稣在请我们抬起头,在那个正在救一个不能自救的人的人身上看见耶稣的脸。
