使徒行传 2:37. 现在他们听到这,他们心如刀割。他们对皮特和其他使徒说,“兄弟,我们应该做什么呢?”

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Act 2:37. Now When They Heard This, They Were Cut To The Heart And Said To Peter And To The Other Apostles, “Brothers, What Should We Do?” 
From <Forward Day By Day> Friday, June 19, 2015, By Forward Movement

I admire these first converts. I admire that they so quickly asked how to make things right after being told how wrong they had been.
I sometimes imagine that I was in the crowd that heard Peter speaking passionately about Jesus and telling us how wrong we had been about him and all the wrong we had done him. I fear my response would not have been “what should we then do?” I am afraid, rather, that my response would be a long list of defenses.
I used to believe that if I ever did anything wrong, then I wouldn’t be loved or valued. I didn’t understand the concept of repentance, only the unattainable goal of perfection. My goal was to not do anything wrong in the first place. When (inevitably) I was faced with the evidence of wrongdoing, my initial response would be to deny it or, if denial was not going to be enough, to provide excuses for myself.
God hasn’t called us to never do wrong. We are human and cannot help but err and stray. God calls us to repentance, to understand that by recognizing and admitting wrong, we can begin to make things right.


我有时想象自己在人群里, 听着皮特在激动地谈论耶稣,在告诉我们,我们真的把耶稣想错了以及我们对耶稣所做的所有的错事。我害怕自己的反应不会是“那么我们应该做什么呢?” 我害怕我的反应反而会是一长串的辩护细账。

