
Maggie Tian-911  04/02   4618  

最高法院今日(4/2)裁定允许支持共和党的大财团如 Koch Brothers 等提高对其所支持政党的财力支持的上限。这又是一个对共和党的利好消息。大财团虽然也不好,但总比支持民主党的工会要好一点。美国经济真的被工会给坑惨了。联系起近期多位民主党议员被抓,这是否是在传达一个信号- 华盛顿也不希望加州民主党走向独裁政治呢?请讨论一下。
It’s being called “Citizens United on steroids.” The Roberts Court just handed down yet another ruling that guts campaign finance limits and lets billionaires like the Koch Brothers run amok.

Under today’s McCutcheon ruling, with just a little extra paperwork, billionaires like the Kochs can funnel millions of dollars into the pockets of any right-wing candidate they want. Legally!