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Benefits of Playing Go
Daniel Liu
In my personal experience, go has greatly improved my math and logically thinking skills. I made many friends through go tournaments. It has complicated variations which allows the mind to think.
There are many articles online about the importance of learning Go. Different people receive different benefits based on how they play and learn.
Go is a marvelous game.
Go is a game in which you create shapes on the board. You are free to play anywhere you like, provided it’s on an intersection.
Go has a creativity and constructiveness missing from other games whose object is to destroy or conquer.
You can’t make progress in go just by rote memorization or cramming knowledge. Go’s creativity lets you freely express your ideas.
Medical evidence
It’s usually said that the left side of the human brain handles the functions of calculation, memorization, and logical thought. The right side of the brain is intuitive and perceives shapes and spatial relationships; it also handles judgement from a large-scale perspective.
It’s important to make good use of both sides of the brain, but it seems that there are many predominantly left-brain people.
Go is a game that makes particular use of the right side of the brain. It has already been established medically that Go stimulates the right side of the brain, enhances judgement, and is effective in relieving stress.
Go is also beneficial in preventing senility and strokes and helps in rehabilitation after a stroke.
Go is a game that you can enjoy all your life, from childhood to old age. Strangers can immediately become friends through playing a game of Go.
Communication between people in our modern society is lessening, but Go can make a big contribution to communication transcending the family, teachers and pupils, seniors and juniors. That’s because it’s a marvellous game in which differences of age or sex or nationality are irrelevant.
Education of children
Go helps you to develop concentration and provides practice in judging values by fostering a sense of balance. It is very useful in helping children to develop their character.
Of course, when you play a game, one side wins and one side loses. You yourself bear the responsibility for evaluating yourself after winning or losing, as you decided the moves you made. The complications of the pleasure or disappointment arising from winning or losing help children to mature and teaches them how to approach life.
The most important thing is that through Go children have contact with other children and people of different ages and they learn how to treat other people with consideration and gratitude.
Perhaps that’s why there are schools that have adopted Go not just as a club activity but as a regular subject.
He ranked 3rd place in 2012 US Youth Go Championship (USYGC) in Junior Division, 2nd place (representing Miller Middle School) in 2013 US School Team Go Tournament. The most important skill Daniel learned from go is how to concentrate and solve problem logically.
Daniel Liu 美国围棋协会业余5段。Daniel 师从江鸣久学习围棋已经9年了,参加过很多地区和全国性的比赛(美国公开赛,应氏杯,江铸久杯,Costen 公开赛),取得了优异的成绩。他在2012年全美青少年围棋冠军赛中名列少年组第三,2013年作为队长代表Miller中学参加全美学校围棋比赛,取得第二名的成绩。从围棋中,Daniel提高了专注和逻辑推理能力。长笛是Daniel的另外一个兴趣爱好。