
LEON JEW 祝良律师-1369  08/09   8537  

【移民局扭曲解释关于H-1B的法律规定】(Tyson给个说法 №. 1062 )

作者:Tyson Lin

从去年开始,移民局针对许多不要求特定专业H-1B职位发出补充材料及拒绝通知。这些拒绝通知其实是基于移民局对H-1B 关法律的扭曲解

么是移民局认定不要求特定专业H-1B职位呢?这必须从OOH (The Occupational Outlook Handbook) 说起。如果OOH认定你的职位,例如Graphic Designer (平面设计师),是除了graphic design专业外,其他专业的人也可以担任的工作,那你的H-1B大概凶多吉少了。(OOH对于Graphic Designer的介绍为: “...A bachelor’s degree in graphic design or a related field is usually required. However, individuals with a bachelor’s degree in another field may pursue technical training in graphic design to meet most hiring qualifications...”)

H-1B的前提是申请职位需要本科以上学历。那申请人要如何证明该职位需要本科以上学历呢?依照8 CFR 214.2(h)(4)(iii)(A)规定,只要符合下列4个条件的其中一,申请人的职位就是需要本科学历而符合申请H-1B规定

8 CFR 214.2(h)(4)(iii)(A)

(1) A baccalaureate or higher degree or its equivalent is "normally" the minimum requirement for entry into the particular position;

(2) The degree requirement is common to the industry in parallel positions among similar organizations or, in the alternative, an employer may show that its particular position is so complex or unique that it can be performed only by an individual with a degree;

(3) The employer normally requires a degree or its equivalent for the position; or

(4) The nature of the specific duties are so specialized and complex that knowledge required to perform the duties is usually associated with the attainment of a baccalaureate or higher degree.


回到一开始的例子,在Graphic Designer (平面设计师)H-1B请案件中,OOH明确指出,“...A bachelor’s degree in graphic design or a related field is usually required. However, individuals with a bachelor’s degree in another field may pursue technical training in graphic design to meet most hiring qualifications...”)换句话说,OOH经很直白说明,Graphic Designer (平面设计师)这个职位通常须具有Graphic Design(或相类似) 的学位。因此以前申Graphic Designer H-1B案件,只要附上OOH的解释网页,就能证明graphic design 这个职位符合上述(1关于H-1B的法律规定,而获得批准

然而,从去年开始,许多这个graphic design的申请案件却被移民局拒绝了。移民局拒绝的逻辑是:因OOH指出非graphic design专业的人也可以担任graphphic designer,因此graphic designer是不需要"特定"专业的职位。因为graphic designer 不需要特定专业,因此不属于需要本科学位的H-1B职位,而不符合法律的规定。(OOH: “...A bachelor’s degree in graphic design or a related field is usually required. However, individuals with a bachelor’s degree in another field may pursue technical training in graphic design to meet most hiring qualifications...”)

上述移民局的神逻辑是一种对OOH文字结构的刻意忽略和对H-1B法律的扭曲解读。就OOH而言,移民局刻意忽略"...A bachelor’s degree in graphic design or a related field is usually required...",而只注重于“...However, individuals with a bachelor’s degree in another field may pursue technical training in graphic design to meet most hiring qualifications...”;就H-1B法律而言,8 CFR 214.2(h)(4)(iii)(A)1明定只要该申请职位通常需要本科以上学历(例如graphic designer通常需要graphic design专业毕业),就符合H-1B的法律规定。8 CFR 214.2(h)(4)(iii)(A)1)可没有可以靠其他培训而担任的职位,不符合H-1B的法律规定(例如虽然不是graphic design专业毕业,但是靠着在职场的培训,而转行当graphic designer

除了graphic design外,还有许多其他职位在OOH中明定是可以靠其他培训而担任的职位这些职位的H-1B请案件从去年开始便遭到移民局的质疑和拒绝

对移民局这些明显扭曲法律和文字所发出的拒绝通知,许多人选择上诉AAO (移民局内部机)。然而,正所谓官官相护,笔者质疑上诉AAO能有多少效果。


Tyson Lin (作者) 专线:(408359-5915

Tyson Lin (作者) 微信:sonoftaiwan

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