#19 ~ 全面的汽车除菌美容 ~ 10/12 星期日支持Baker 拍卖募款晚会
Maggie-1332 10/10 23206
You may not know that the interior of the car harbors nine times more bacteria than a public toilet seat!
'Most people clean their homes but many are neglecting to clean their cars and are driving around in vehicles which resemble a rubbish bin.
A car is the perfect place for germs to breed, especially if you eat in it and leave litter or uneaten food around. To avoid potential health risks it would be wise to regularly clean your car inside and out. Scientists said the car boot was the filthiest area, with 1,000 bacteria for every one and half square inches.
Pinky's Klassy Kar Wash is a 100% hand wash full service car wash located at 300 E. 18 Street, Antioch, CA
Retail Value $250
10/12 盛装娱乐拍卖募款晚会 4:30 - 10:30pm
座位有限,必须提前报名, 请访问链接: http://bit.ly/bakerauctiondinner
提供拍卖品: 千万不要以为只有艺术品才可以拍卖, 什么东西、服务都可以。 对于商家,可以是双赢的局面。 比如已经有人捐出 window replacement service, legal service hours, 价值不菲, 但对他们的品牌、知名度有好处, 形成双赢局面。家里不太用的好东西,也是很好的选择, 比如说旧的自行车、iPad, etc.
拍卖品填表, 请访问链接: http://bit.ly/CBakerdonation,或联系: Maggie 925-389-3809 / magtsai@gmail.com, 微信号: magtsai
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